I was diagnosed with blepharitis about 3yrs ago but it never interrupted my life and was manageable until
May 2013 when eye doctor told me my eyes were very dry and prescribed restasis. My eyes have been burning
Stinging and overly tearing so much I can't go out in public. I even bought into the Lipiflow procedure in hope
It would stop my symptons. I'm still doing restasis and the tearing has drastically been reduced but my
Eyes are still irritated. I had my follow up with the Lipiflow doc and he wants me to
Stay on restasis and keep up compresses and p.m. Ointment.He had pressed on my lower lids
And said oils looked clear an wouldn't you know it I woke up this morning with a small
Chalazion on my lower lid and it's painful. Was supposed to visit my 18 month old granddaughter this
Weekend but am really not feelin too hot. Am wondering if those night masks such as thermoeyes would
May 2013 when eye doctor told me my eyes were very dry and prescribed restasis. My eyes have been burning
Stinging and overly tearing so much I can't go out in public. I even bought into the Lipiflow procedure in hope
It would stop my symptons. I'm still doing restasis and the tearing has drastically been reduced but my
Eyes are still irritated. I had my follow up with the Lipiflow doc and he wants me to
Stay on restasis and keep up compresses and p.m. Ointment.He had pressed on my lower lids
And said oils looked clear an wouldn't you know it I woke up this morning with a small
Chalazion on my lower lid and it's painful. Was supposed to visit my 18 month old granddaughter this
Weekend but am really not feelin too hot. Am wondering if those night masks such as thermoeyes would