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Dryness better but Bleph worse!!

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  • Dryness better but Bleph worse!!

    These last few weeks have been much better in the dryness department for me. Nothing has changed except the weather is cooler so no air conditioning or fans blowing on me all day!! My Blepharitis is worse though and I can't figure why and my doctor doesn't even look at my lashes when I mention it. I am doing warm compresses twice a day now and using Ocu-soft wipes in the evening. The skin right against my lashes on my upper lids gets a yellowish crust that I can pick off with my fingernail (sorry sounds gross)! I can remove it but the crust is back the next evening. Sound I keep taking it off?? Sometimes it bleeds. I have a small patch on one lid and a larger patch on the other lid. Maybe I am being too aggressive? Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Bleph eye wipes

    Originally posted by abbygirl View Post
    These last few weeks have been much better in the dryness department for me. Nothing has changed except the weather is cooler so no air conditioning or fans blowing on me all day!! My Blepharitis is worse though and I can't figure why and my doctor doesn't even look at my lashes when I mention it. I am doing warm compresses twice a day now and using Ocu-soft wipes in the evening. The skin right against my lashes on my upper lids gets a yellowish crust that I can pick off with my fingernail (sorry sounds gross)! I can remove it but the crust is back the next evening. Sound I keep taking it off?? Sometimes it bleeds. I have a small patch on one lid and a larger patch on the other lid. Maybe I am being too aggressive? Any suggestions?
    Hello having tried Ocu-soft wipes they made my eyes more sore , I found Blephaclean wipes more soothing.My Doctor also prescribed Azuter eyedrops which really helped improve my Bleph. Good luck


    • #3
      Sometimes you develop sensitivities to the things that are supposed to help. You might try stopping the wipes and see if it feels better in a few days. Crusting is usually a sign of infection. So for that you might need to be examined. IMO, best not to pick away at anything. Warm and loosen the crusting with wet compresses first.

