Hi I am from Canada, about a year ago I had sudden symptoms of dry eye and was told it was MDG/blepharitis. I squezzed my lower lids and a quite thick paste came out of the glands. I started with warm compresses, tried several antibiotics(or combination steriods) at different times,
- Gentamicin ointment(took for 4 days)
- Blephamide drops(took for maybe 3 days)
- Voltaren drops(took for 3-4 days)
- Todrax drops(took for 5-7 days)
- Fusidic Acid ointment( 5 days)
- signal vial prednisolone steriod(took 4 drops a day for 3 weeks when started cyclsporine)
- Oral Doxy(3 months)
- Oral Minocycline(2 months)
- Cyclosporine drops(compounded here in Canada)(6 months and still taking them)
Now, I don't think I gave a fair chance to any of the antibiotics and the longest period I tried one antiobitc drop or ointment is 5-7(tobradex).
- When I squezze my lids now, sometimes the glands produce oil, sometimes they produce a thin or thick white secretion(although, not as thick as initially before treatment). What causes the oil to be oil sometimes and thin or thick at other times? Is it bacteria or hormonal?
- If one is taking antibiotic drops to treat the bacteria(if bacteria is present), how long should one be taking the antibiotic drops. And if the oil is thick because of bacteria, can it penerate the glands to treat the bacteria?
- If there is bacteria, different antibiotic drops and ointments treat different bacteria. Can the secretion from the gland be tested to see what bacteria is present so the appropriate antibiotic is used?
Thank you for your expertise.
- Gentamicin ointment(took for 4 days)
- Blephamide drops(took for maybe 3 days)
- Voltaren drops(took for 3-4 days)
- Todrax drops(took for 5-7 days)
- Fusidic Acid ointment( 5 days)
- signal vial prednisolone steriod(took 4 drops a day for 3 weeks when started cyclsporine)
- Oral Doxy(3 months)
- Oral Minocycline(2 months)
- Cyclosporine drops(compounded here in Canada)(6 months and still taking them)
Now, I don't think I gave a fair chance to any of the antibiotics and the longest period I tried one antiobitc drop or ointment is 5-7(tobradex).
- When I squezze my lids now, sometimes the glands produce oil, sometimes they produce a thin or thick white secretion(although, not as thick as initially before treatment). What causes the oil to be oil sometimes and thin or thick at other times? Is it bacteria or hormonal?
- If one is taking antibiotic drops to treat the bacteria(if bacteria is present), how long should one be taking the antibiotic drops. And if the oil is thick because of bacteria, can it penerate the glands to treat the bacteria?
- If there is bacteria, different antibiotic drops and ointments treat different bacteria. Can the secretion from the gland be tested to see what bacteria is present so the appropriate antibiotic is used?
Thank you for your expertise.