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  • Mgd

    I am a patient of Dr. Latkany and have been so frustrated as many other have been with this terrible condition. I really cannot understand for the life of me why nobody can figure out how to open the mgd glands and keep them flowing. It is shocking to me. This disease has caused me years of depression, and constant ups and downs. Nothing works. Not lid scrubs (just makes my eyes more red), not the q-tip method, no drops, no goggles, warm compreeses make me look as if I just did a whole lot of drugs, not plugs, not doxy, azasite minimally, not castor oil. I have even tried to put bee pollen on my lids. Nothing! I would pay thousands of dollars to get rid of this crap. The next so called drug is at least a year away and after that 3-5 I was told. My last and final attempt may be a holistic doctor. I have ran out of hope almost. I look 10 years older then I am, and look like a drug addict at the same time. Somebody has to cure this crap. I am going to go to an endo as soon as I find the time. I am sick of spending countless amounts of money on every new product that comes about. I have even latched on to the idea of liver cleansing , since the Chinese think the liver and the eyes go hand and hand. Nothing works. I beg for help!

  • #2
    You are not alone......on a bad day I share exactly all you have said. What makes it worse here in the UK is that there are few docs who really understand the ins & out of DES and thus tend to poo poo those of us that suffer with "just puts some drops in......and there's the door".................aarrrgghhh!

    However, after 3 years of this it has got easier, partly through these forums by finding like suffereing individuals, and partly through just having to cope. Life goes on.

    I'm always on the look out for remedies though, and lately I have experienced some relief from the stinging & burning through wearing contact lens. Finally there is a new daily lens out there that dry eye folks can wear. I still get eye pain and dryness, but the bandage qualities of the lens for me at least take away the burning/stinging.
    I just wonder if contacts can be ordered with a "0" prescription for those that don't actually need specs. Hmmm!

    PS. I said to the wife the other day......"If somebody came along with a cure and it cost 10k......I'd have my credit card out in seconds" you ain't alone there either.....:-)



    • #3

      What sort of contact lenses do you mean - are they a special type?

      I was never able to get on with lenses. Initially, I wanted them for cosmetic purposes, instead of glasses. With this whole dry eye and blepharitis business, glasses are the least of my concerns.

      I haven't found anyone in the UK to be of help. I have already spent an awful lot of money - and invested a lot of hope - in those who claim to be experts in the field. But if someone was to come along with a genuine cure, than I would be hacking into the savings account quite happily.

      It's a strange thing to say that you get more used to it. I have had this for a very long time and I probably manage it better than I did at first. But I don't think a day goes by without a part of me getting low about it all. It's certainly not psychological - how can one ignore stinging and burning in the eyes? I have tried visualisation techniques and hypnosis to help manage the discomfort - but there is only so much that I can do. As you say, life has to go on and the spiral of descent into depression must be avoided because it is a difficult journey out of it.
      (I realise it's Sunday but I didn't intend to write a sermon...!)


      • #4
        Hello all of I am to joing the moaning club.

        I've only (ONLY! ha ha) had this condition 2 years and I already feel it's ruined my life.

        I think one of the major problem with getting treatment is that it falls between two specialities. Opthalmology and Dermatology.

        Yes, it's the eyes which are involved, but to many of the factors involved are to do with skin type issues - meibomian fluid, for example, is strictly speaking just beneth the skin...also blepharitis is in the skin tissues (albeit the eyelid). Also the allergy connection is often more dermatology slanted than opthalmology.

        I, too, sense a connection between the liver and eyes. Rhad has posted on a thread somewhere (sorry I can't rmember exactlty where) about a liver cleanse she did that seemed to help.

        I have been seeing an acupuncturist recently ( 6 times so far, so a bit early to tell) but she has been treating my liver as well as the eye points on the body.

        It's all so complex, when you thrown in th endocrine system, plus pollution, plus the environment...personally, I am dreading the winter, with all the central heating, hot air blowing in all the stores...aircon (limited in this country, than God) is bad enough....

        sorry to be so depressing - perhaps its the Sunday blues


        • #5
          >What sort of contact lenses do you mean - are they a special type?

          See here:-



          • #6

            I just find it so incredible that this is caused by bacteria, and they cannot find a way to kill the glands and kill it. It just seems like it should be a very simple thing for all of these experts to figure out. How long are we going to have to wait? I am at my wits end with this junk.


            • #7
              Originally posted by soxboy View Post
              I just find it so incredible that this is caused by bacteria, and they cannot find a way to kill the glands and kill it. It just seems like it should be a very simple thing for all of these experts to figure out. How long are we going to have to wait? I am at my wits end with this junk.
              I was diagnosed with non-inflammatory MGD. Is you MGD due to ocular rosacea and do you have inflammation to the extent of blepharitis? Meaning, do you have to do lid scrubs and warm compresses to get the goo flowing, or you dont have any goo flowing?

              RIght now, I barely have anything flowing and I do not know if I am clogged or if I am atrohpic to the point where they do not work anymore.

              There is a doctor by the name of Tseng that is stating many doctors are overlooking the demodex mite as a cause of rosacea-based MGD.
              Current Diagnosis: MGD due to Ocular Rosacea , TBUT of 5 seconds

