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  • Mgd

    I have MGD and tonight I noticed a clear looking "pimple" type thing sitting atop one of the gland openings. It looks like it could be thickened oil discharge, but it's sort of 'clear' in color. Anybody ever have anything like that?

    I also have several whitish dots along the gland line which I assume are clogged glands. I just started resuming warm washcloth treatments cautiously after being off it for several months.

    Is Azasite good for this?

  • #2
    hi there,

    sounds exactly like what I get...they are blockages of individual glands.

    When this happens I up the warm compresses to 4 x a day, massage the lids, and go to my optometrist who manually expresses the blockages!

    If you can't find someone to do this for you, at the very least up your compresses to try and soften the solidified meibum and they may well unblock themselves.

    good luck!


    • #3
      p.s. re Azasite...don't know about that - never used it. My eyes won't tolerate any kind of drops or medication at all so all I can do is compresses.


      • #4
        Don't know about the Azasite, but I've had this and it's definitely clogged oil ducts. I don't get them anymore, but remain religious to my highly anticipated warm compresses twice a day. I believe my true issue is that while my gland may be open and flowing, I had a lousy output resulting in chronic, debilitating discomfort.

        Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.

