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Eye infection or oily skin?

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  • Eye infection or oily skin?

    I have blepharitis and dry eye, and currently am waiting to see an ophthalmologist.

    Recently I have reason to believe my eye was infected, due to guests staying at my house and using my bathroom which im not used to, and I believe my refresh tears became infected.

    Anyway I had this issue crop up at the begining of august for one week, then my eye was fine, then it came back. A house guest later mentioned they accidentally knocked my drops in the garbage beside the sink. And I did not have the lid on good. The next day I had the yellow discharge again, but only in one eye.

    Now my eye seems to be getting better but its been 2 weeks, since the last episode. I get a yellow discharge out of one eye which is unusual. Usually its clear or white (i believe i have allergies and am awaiting testing. This is also strange because since i started lid cleansing, i never got the yellow mucus discharge. This also has caused inflamation out of the corner of my eye where the discharge is coming.

    The yellow discharge I read typically means bacterial infection which makes sense. And I do have an antibiotic for it I received.

    However I dont get why both eyes are not infected, since i used the drops in both eyes? And Im also wondering why its taking 10 days before it appears to be getting any better.

    The second part of the equation is I recently quit accutane, my skin is more oily I noticed. The eye thats infected is typically not the overly dry one. Im wondering if i really do have an infection, or if the oily skin is causing a yellow discharge build up in my eye due to blepharitis or rosacea? I dont have acne really anymore, but my skin is still more oily since quitting accutane. This also occurred around the time of the yellow discharge build up in the one eye.

    If anyone can offer thoughts suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. The antibiotic drops do help, and while my last episode seems to be slowly getting better (Inflamation and yellow discharge slowly decreasing) It has been 2 weeks and im unsure if it is an infection, or the result of my oily skin and my quitting accutane?

  • #2
    If you ever think you may have an eye infection, throw away all opened bottles of eye drops and all mascara and wet eye liner. If you think any of these has gotten dirty, throw them away. Wait until the infection has cleared up before replacing them.


    • #3
      Yea all my bottles were replaced. Every eye drop I used, even my perscription ones, I went to get a new bottles.

      Im just boggled its only affecting one eye. Im still getting the yellow discharge today, typically upon waking, but my eye feels better.

      Again im unsure how this is only affecting one eye.

      My only other theory is i quit accutane, oil glands are working more, the infected eye is typically less dry then the other one, and the oil glands are making my blepharitis worse, and im getting yellow discharge build up from the oil gland production in the one eye?

      It has to be one or the other given the time frame. And what happened when it occurred.


      • #4
        You probably will never know why only one eye has an infection. Like having a couple of small cuts on your skin, right near each other, and one gets an infection in it, the other doesn't. Just chance, probably. For some reason one eye was more vulnerable at the time the bacteria were introduced.


        • #5
          The only other thing is the first week it started the night before I burnt my eye lashes on the bbq. I know this sounds strange, but my freind had the propane turned on, i didnt notice and it came up to my face. I noticed in the mirror my eye lashes were burnt and singed.

          The next day is when it started. I thought it went away one week and then it came back 2 weeks ago. I wonder if the bbq burning my eye lashes has something to do with that eye being infected as well?

          Im still getting the yellow discharge though, its been 1 week and 6 days even though its feeling better.


          • #6
            you said you have an antibiotic for the problem. i think it would be a good idea to talk to the doctor who prescribed the antibiotic if it isn't working.


            • #7
              Ah, the issue is, I went to walkin and told him my symptoms, and he prescribed it.

              The problem is regular physicians know next to nothing about the eyes really. They know how to perscribe steroid drops for pink eye and stuff, but they know next to nothing whats really going on. They dont have a microscope thing like an eye doctor does, to even look in your eye.

              Also I decided to phone my family doctor tomorrow, he can get me into a ophthalmologist quickly.

              Im starting to think it might be due to my quitting accutane, and ocular rosacea.

              My question is, even if your acne rosacea is gone, but you still have oily skin, can ocular rosecea still exist? Can it exist even if your acne symptoms are gone.

              I really do think the two are tied together. The area thats bothering me also seems to have a greasy feel in the upper eye lid, like my lids are producing oil. Again since qutting accutane my skins more oily, but my acnes gone, I always figured if you clear up the skin, you clear up the eye, maybe thats wrong.

              I think its tied to me quitting accutane.

