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Possible answer for dry eyes

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  • Possible answer for dry eyes

    I know this topic has come up many times, but I think I have Candida. I know it's more rare in guys, but a while back I was on antibiotics for prostatitis for about 6 months. It was very strong antibiotics. I didn't get my dry eyes until maybe a month after I quit my last dose of antibiotics. I have been looking at symptoms of it and I have many. I have a really white furry tongue and for some reason, when my lips are dry, I get this white stuff on them and it's kind of sticky. Also, I am constipated sometimes and have diarhea often. I'm also very tired often.

    Basically I was wondering if you guys thought this could be it?
    Thank you so much for any responses!

  • #2
    Maybe so!

    You could definitely be on to something amigo! I am on a special sugar free diet, and taking anti-yeast pills called Candex right now. I have noticed a small difference with my eyes, but more than anything, my energy has come back quite a bit. Check out the book entitled "The Yeast Connection." This is where I started a couple of months ago. Antibiotics are starting to not be considered candy anymore in the medical field to some!


    • #3
      Interestingly, I developed dry eyes following an appendicitis surgery that went wrong and I had to stay in hospital with a massive post-operative infection for nearly three months on three different kinds of intravenous antibiotics.
      Naturally, I had an overgrowth of candida and was treated for it with Orungal tablets (as far as I remember that was the name). Supposedly they cleared it, but then it kept appearing every time I took antibiotics for any reason, and now if I have to take antibiotics I am also prescribed Diflucan for potential candida infection.

      However, neither the Orungal, nor the Diflucan helped anything in terms of the dry eyes. I can definitely see a connection to antibiotics overuse-- i mean between dry eye and extreme overuse of antibiotics, but how exactly it relates to candida I am not sure. I would expect that once you eliminate candida as a cause the eyes should improve....although i know as well that once the dry eye inflammation cycle starts, eliminating the initial trigger for it is only part of the solution. The inflammation itself becomes the main problem.

      Any thoughts?


      • #4
        Originally posted by ttdub View Post
        II have a really white furry tongue and for some reason, when my lips are dry, I get this white stuff on them and it's kind of sticky. !
        Thrush perhaps? A yeast type brought on by the antibiotics killing the good bacteria. (I'm no doctor)
        "In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer"
        -Albert Camus


        • #5
          about Antibiotics

          ttdub, I just read your thread and I was wondering if your taking any medication to get back your GI-System back to normal?
          I've been having dryeyes for ages. Then a hemeopath doc asked me if I ever took antibiotics over the years. Actually I did due to chronic bronchitis.
          beginning of last year, I began with "pro symbioflor" (a medication with the normal bacterias "escheria coli") Which are usually in the gastrointestinal system, but taking antibiotics over the long run can destroy these bac's which are responsible for the membrane system in the whole body.
          After 2 months my eyes got way better. probably it might help you as well.



          • #6
            hard to get rid of!

            Originally posted by ringo View Post
            Interestingly, I developed dry eyes following an appendicitis surgery that went wrong and I had to stay in hospital with a massive post-operative infection for nearly three months on three different kinds of intravenous antibiotics.
            Naturally, I had an overgrowth of candida and was treated for it with Orungal tablets (as far as I remember that was the name). Supposedly they cleared it, but then it kept appearing every time I took antibiotics for any reason, and now if I have to take antibiotics I am also prescribed Diflucan for potential candida infection.

            However, neither the Orungal, nor the Diflucan helped anything in terms of the dry eyes. I can definitely see a connection to antibiotics overuse-- i mean between dry eye and extreme overuse of antibiotics, but how exactly it relates to candida I am not sure. I would expect that once you eliminate candida as a cause the eyes should improve....although i know as well that once the dry eye inflammation cycle starts, eliminating the initial trigger for it is only part of the solution. The inflammation itself becomes the main problem.

            Any thoughts?
            Well, my thoughts are this: Apparently this Candida is really hard to get rid of! Even though we/the doctors are able to get the candida "under control," to the point that we are feeling better, it is still there... in mass quantities I would guess. This is why we feel "better," but still have this seriously debilitating dry eye! It may take months (maybe even years???) of anti-candida medicine, and sugar/yeast free diet in order for us to be fully free of this stuff... at the same time working to re-establish the gut flora. May I ask: Even though you aren't "sick" right now, do you still feel tired a lot of the time, and just don't know why? Do you develop colds/the flu very easily, and seem to be allergic to a lot of things? Don't worry too much about the inflammation... it is obviously being caused by something internally (this is my guess). Once we figure out the internal, then I believe the eyes will resolve themselves (at least I am hoping and praying)! Good luck.


            • #7
              Yes, I do feel tired and develop colds easily... but doctors told me that with these medications (diflucan, etc.) there is no chance for the Candida to survive. I mean according to doctors, these pills eliminate Candida from the body.
              You seem to think that despite the medications the Cnadida is still there in massive quantities and takes years to get rid of. I am not knowledgeable on this subject, and it is really all news to me, especially the connection to dry eyes. My guess is there could be some beneficial bacteria that live in the eyes and other mucous membranes that the candida is suffocating. Do you think thats logical?
              Why do you think medications like Diflucan did not get rid of the candida?


              • #8
                about candida

                I live in germany (so please excuse my average english) I remeber an year ago, I had these wierd symptomes of being tired easily, getting sick often etc.My homeopath said, that doing anti-candida diets are not useful, as it is not possible to keep up with it for a long time. To avoid white noodles, sweets and so on. She actually told me to try Symbioflor. After this I didn't catch a cold for ages. My tiredness went away, and my severe dry eye vanished too. Due to antibiotics over the years the membrane system must've been damaged. Check, Pro Symbioflor, Symbioflor 1 and 2. this therapy has to be done over a period of 4 months. Some might even need to do it for 6 months. If symptoms are severe.
                Symbioflor contains the bacterias of the GI system. It tastes a bit strange and can make some ugly sideaffects in the beginning but I really do believe it's worth trying it out.


                • #9
                  Maybe, maybe not...

                  Ringo, I am not completely sure, but from what I have learned, it is extremely difficult to get rid of the stuff (yeast). I don't think that one dose of Diflucan would be able to eliminate it- it might suppress it temporarily. People suffering from Candida are being treated with Nystatin, Diflucan and other meds for a number of months (read about it in the yeast connection). I am not assuming that this is exactly what we are suffering from, but I am going to try it out until I exhaust the idea (what else do I have to do at this point?). Good luck to you.


                  • #10
                    Hi John,

                    I have been tested for localized candida presence in a few places in my body. The last tests showed "no growth of Candida".
                    Does that mean however, that it might still be there in my intestines or other places that have not been tested? If that is the case, noone can ever know for sure to what extent they are invaded by this organism.
                    Personally, I think it is just a little bit far fetched to attribute the dry eye symptoms mainly to this problem, even if it is present.
                    Again, I may be wrong, and I do encourage you to take measures against the Candida and keep us posted on how you feel.
                    But I was wondering--- i will definitely ask my doctor about it and about all possible tests that can be done--- have you been tested for Candida? Did they test your blood or mucous secretions?What were the results?


                    • #11

                      thanks for getting back to my thread.


                      • #12
                        Well, you are probably right. In fact, I have discovered that the tests for Candida are very non-specific, and inconclusive. I think that the only way to gauge if you have it or not is by how you are feeling... i.e., how much energy you have, and whether your eyes are hurting more or less. Be careful asking a general practitioner about Candida... they may give you some weird looks- they haven't been taught about this stuff. In fact, if you want help with it, you will need to do a lot of research to find a doctor who has treated people with this before, that will believe you--- and trust me, there are a lot of people out there that have been really sick from this stuff too. I went to my Family Practitioner, got a physical exam, and asked him about candida... he said "oh no, yeast in the body doesn't exist more than one month after antibiotics are taken." Then I asked him "well, then what is this rash I have on my thigh?" and he said "Oh, that is yeast, and it is really hard to get rid of." Well Duh Doctor!!! Where do you think the yeast on the outside of your body is coming from? "the yeast connection" book mentions that it is almost guaranteed you have yeast in your body if you have an external manifestation of it on your body.
                        So, who knows? I am going to try this out for a while, and see how it makes me feel. So far so good. Good luck, and I wish your eyes more good days than bad.


                        • #13
                          If you really did have candida, you would have to use Colloidal Silver, and Oxygen therapies to kill it. Activated oxygen is known to kill any organism good or bad, and any virus. so is silver.

                          Activated oxygen, such as ozone therapy works by oxydizing the organisms outer Lipid shell, and they tear open and their insides come out they die. Colloidal silver works a little different, it also kills good and bad bacteria, but by a different mechanism. the bacteria in the presence of silver, they can't produce the enzyme that creates oxygen for them, so they suffocate. it's like turning off their lungs, so to speak.

                          both of these methods are unlike anti-biotics. as bacteria given enough time, will adapt to anti-biotics, however, they can never become resistant to Oxygen, or Colloidal Silver.

                          They have done studies with silver, it kills the HIV virus in a testube within 3 hours, it is all dead and disabled. they concluded it could kill virtually any virus, I could post the study if you would like.

                          Note to Moderators: please don't erase my posts like you have many times in the past....thank you!

                          I am only stating what is available out there, many M.D.'s are now using Ozone Therapy, which is one type of Oxygen therapy, and have had a lot of success.



                          • #14
                            Yeah, I have heard about this before. For cancer use too possibly, right? Have you ever heard of the use of 30% concentrated H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide)?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rhad View Post

                              Note to Moderators: please don't erase my posts like you have many times in the past....thank you!

                              Moderators (including me) will delete inappropriate posts at their discretion especially if it's a repeat offense. Usually we PM the user to tell them the reason. As long as users post appropriately, adhering to the user guidelines and/or (if applicable) keeping in mind any issues that have been raised with them in the past by moderators, their posts will be left alone.
                              Rebecca Petris
                              The Dry Eye Foundation

