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Young people and dating... how do you cope???

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  • Young people and dating... how do you cope???

    OMG i can totaly relate.

    I am getting divorced because my husband cheated on me and chose her over me.. that already makes me think that no one will want me.

    Anyway, im still in the US, i got a job, i drink caffine all day so my eyes arent too bad- caffine gives me anxiety which makes my eyes bearable.

    So i have been on soooo many dates, and im loosing the will to live. Either im not feeling them, or they are not feeling me. I just cant find that ''connection'', then when i meet someone who is attractive, i start to think they wont like me because of my eye problem and not being 100% happy all the time. I do wierd twitching with my eyes now and then due to pain, and i cant concentrate on conversations!!! I feel like I have half of my brain functioning, because my listening skills are really effected and i cant think of stuff to say. When my eyes arent bad, i dont have this problem- so i know its due to the dry eye.

    Its not the eye problem- because they cant see it, its the effects it has on our personalities. I guess i used to be a really optomistic happy person, who had dreams and asperations, now im not! Now im just happy to at least have a job, thats it.

    But, im being way to picky as well, because my ex had personailty and looks and we had a great friendship as well as everything else. So i feel like if i cant find that again, im not gonna be happy. So its not just them rejecting me.

    And OMG rejection is horrible, especially when you start to blame your eye condition and think... is it always going to be like this?

    I have a double date tonight with this army guy, but i donno if im feeling a connection there either... arghhhhhhhhhhhhh i give up!!!! lol

    I would say though, despite the pain, i still do what ever i want- ill watch a movie, ill go swimming, ill go out to eat... I guess i just cant be on it all the time. I mean... im not 100% up beat and happy.., because the pain and irritation grinds on me and i cant focus on coversations. Not to mention making good eye contact with someone--- that is sooo hard.

    How do other young people cope with dating? I feel like its an interview after interview lol!
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:

  • #2
    I've just come across this post and it brought a smile to my face. I had a date a few months ago when I was having a horrendous eye day and during the course of about 3 hours I went to the toilet no less than 7 times to put eye drops in! Funnily enough she never did call me back.

    I had another date a few weeks ago and during the conversation she mentioned how she was working extra shifts to save up some money. When I asked what for she replied LASIK well that set me off on my story of the evils of LASIK and dry eye, I'm sure I bored her brains out. Again she never called me back.

    So that's 2 dates down due to my eyes or at least that's what I'm blaming it on! Dating is most certainly a battlefield not helped when your eyes are on the enemies side.


    • #3
      I thought about this today. I want to date girls but i feel so unconfortable and lack of confidence (big part linked to dry eyes) that i cant go for it. This is making me extremely depressed.

