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Dry Eye runined my career, social life and now my relationship.

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  • Dry Eye runined my career, social life and now my relationship.

    I am sinking into a very depressed state. I dont know how to handle this anymore. I landed a really good job, one I went to school for (for 4 yrs). I started a month ago and have already quit. I was in a constant state of anxiety and couldn't handle how my eyes felt along with the pressures of the job. I went to see my eye doc last week, and my schiemer scores are now at 3 (they used to be 12) so this is just getting worse. I tired to stop using all the prescription drops because I thought maybe they were making things worse, boy was i wrong. My doc wants me using Lotemax and Restasis along with 100 mg of doxy daily. I know the side effects of Restasis is whats killing me, I hate these drops but apparantly they are gunna help if I actually give them time to work this time around. (I have never really given them more than 5 weeks) Is there neone out there who can give me some hope? I have seriously tried everything...but deep down I know I have never really given any meds enough time...i always give up on it b/c I feel it doesnt help.

  • #2
    Omega 3 helps. Thera tears has some capulels that seem popular.


    • #3
      How long ago did your Dry eye symptoms start Faith?... I am living proof that it sometimes get better!!. Was were youre at just over a year ago, and went all the way, Anti-depressents and then 6 weeks in hospital... Giving up your job would appear on the surface a disaster, but you will come to realise it was a good move! i know plenty of people on this forum who persist with there job (A) because there simply is no jobs about-'trapped' OR (B) Scared of starting again.
      I still work for same employer but my boss is very good, and i managed to change my hours, also the job i do -no more driving...
      Anxiety screws everything up, there is medication out there which will bring you back, and dont be surprised to find that once your Mental state improves, the phyisical side also improves, i have never met anyone who has took on Anxiety + Depression and won, the medication is required if you cant get back on your own...


      • #4
        Hi Colin, thanks for your reply. I have been battling this for about 10 months I'd say. I mean at first I never really did anything about it (warm compresses). I mean I GUESS things have gotten a bit better, I don't flare up like I used to, and I'm beginning to like my appearance again ( a little) I have gotten better then worse then better...I am on anti-depressants and have been for like years..I need to up them because I agree when you say how hard it is to deal on your own...i'm all for medication if needed. The only thing that has made me better are steriods (Lotemax)...which I know I can't use forever but am now using twice a day until I get my inflammation under control. Are you using any meds for ur eyes?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Faith1989 View Post
          Hi Colin, thanks for your reply. I have been battling this for about 10 months I'd say. I mean at first I never really did anything about it (warm compresses). I mean I GUESS things have gotten a bit better, I don't flare up like I used to, and I'm beginning to like my appearance again ( a little) I have gotten better then worse then better...I am on anti-depressants and have been for like years..I need to up them because I agree when you say how hard it is to deal on your own...i'm all for medication if needed. The only thing that has made me better are steriods (Lotemax)...which I know I can't use forever but am now using twice a day until I get my inflammation under control. Are you using any meds for ur eyes?

          Faith...have faith! (no pun intended)

          I got diagnosed with TENS in 2003 and have been dealing with severe dry eyes (in both eyes) for 9 years. It has affected my life and career. Through dealing with this issue, I have pulled through. I have had two eye surgeries and am now going through the fitting process of scleral lenses. Since 2003, I have earned two bachelor degrees and am now working full time in the mortgage industry and in graduate school earning an MBA. It is tough, no doubt and has affected my social life to the point where my friends barely call me to hang out anymore.

          These symptoms started when I was 18 years old and am now 27. Also, these symptoms started when I was in the Army so needless to say, they had to discharge me. I have been through a lot but I never let anything beat me...I beat it!

          Do research, look into getting scleral lenses and do everything you can to beat this so it doesn't beat you.


          • #6
            Hi Faith,

            I also had a drop in my schirmer scores early in my dry eye diagnosis (mgd and aqueous deficient). I had 5-7 in my worst eye, then next time I was tested: 4. I thought there was no hope and months later- after 100mg doxy and daily restasis I have gotten up to 14 in one eye and 18 in the other. At the moment my eye pain/burning is just from the mgd.

            I can't say I noticed any improvement from restasis until about 4 months later (if I remember correctly). But for me it was worth the wait.. so there is hope..

            I hope it works for you, and soon
            Last edited by Lacrima; 10-Sep-2012, 01:27. Reason: I streamlined it- too much yapping :)


            • #7
              Colin if you dont mind me asking, why were you in hospital? For your eyes? I am glad you are still working. I have Sjrogens and SLK and my eye test is 0. I have tried everything. I refuse to take medicine because of side effects. I do wear contacts to act as bandage ove my eyes and use restasis everyday. I am a nurse and had to quit hospital work but now have 3 prn jobs and still work 40- 50 hours a week with them. Its hard but i just keep going. I run from air vents and fans have to stand on my feet all the time at work to be away from any air so I can chart and etc. Instead of depression meds I try to walk at least an hour a day even at my worst. After about 20 min your natural endorphines kick in and really it feels great. I also believe in GOD and so I pray the whole time I am walking (mostly for others but I do some for myself.) I dont get on web a whole lot and you are the first guy I read about having this problem. What gave you the dry eyes? Maybe you could pick up boxing, my son has done that when he was depressed and it really help him mentally and physically. I tried it but not at age anymore to box ha Good luck


              • #8
                Faith dont ever give up. Life is to precious. I know its hard but just keep trying and Im sure you will find what works for you. I use to be all about looks but man has that went away. I will wear anything now to protect my eyes. There are those who stare and oh well and those who ask and try to help. Keep up with the restasis and take care of yourself. Supplements are always good and want hurt you if you take right amount. Always let your doc know what you take and how much. I have learned so many things from this site. Keep reading things and trying them til you can find what works for you and makes you comfortable. I am sorry about every thing you are going through. Just keep your head up and be strong-keep busy and sometimes that helps keep your mind off your eyes, at least that works for me a little. If I get bored and sit I start feeling sorry for myself and cry and its stinks because then my eyes burn.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by daphane View Post
                  Colin if you dont mind me asking, why were you in hospital? For your eyes? I am glad you are still working. I have Sjrogens and SLK and my eye test is 0. I have tried everything. I refuse to take medicine because of side effects. I do wear contacts to act as bandage ove my eyes and use restasis everyday. I am a nurse and had to quit hospital work but now have 3 prn jobs and still work 40- 50 hours a week with them. Its hard but i just keep going. I run from air vents and fans have to stand on my feet all the time at work to be away from any air so I can chart and etc. Instead of depression meds I try to walk at least an hour a day even at my worst. After about 20 min your natural endorphines kick in and really it feels great. I also believe in GOD and so I pray the whole time I am walking (mostly for others but I do some for myself.) I dont get on web a whole lot and you are the first guy I read about having this problem. What gave you the dry eyes? Maybe you could pick up boxing, my son has done that when he was depressed and it really help him mentally and physically. I tried it but not at age anymore to box ha Good luck

                  Boxing!!!. That's just what i need- a thump in the
                  My 6 week stay, was due to depression and could see no way out of it.. You are then under the care of a doctor full time, till your mental side is correct..
                  Walking without doubt helps, i agree with you there Daphne.. Re-meds, if the first one you try disagrees with you? then they will try another, if need be? then another, till you get the right one; in my case Venlaflaxine is fine..
                  Depression and Anxiety everyone will tell you makes the condition/symptoms so much worse, and needs getting control of.

                  Did my symtoms improve, because my mental side is coming back? co-incidence??. I no-longer wish i would not wake up the following morning, and get a full nights sleep also... Dont dismiss depression anyone; anyone can get it at anytime, if you dont feel like you should anymore, you know there is something wrong?? well guess what?? probably depression? and if it's full-on? that's what the meds are for...


                  • #10

                    I am so sorry you're in that dreaded "place".

                    I have been battling this for about 10 months I'd say.
                    Ugh. That 6-12 month window often seems to be the hardest for a lot of people. It's really far too little time to heal (physically or emotionally) and yet so much beyond the time that one *thinks* it ought to take... kind of an emotional no-man's land of shelled hopes. Thankfully you don't stay in that same place forever.

                    Regarding Restasis and side effects:
                    Pay close attention. If it's a little stinging/burning when the drops go in, but it doesn't last too long, that's one thing. If you get redness, discharge, or anything really long lasting, that may be a sign that the tradeoffs are too damaging for you... There have been people on the board who had allergic or similar reactions to Restasis.

                    One thing that I think is helpful in how to 'think' about prescription drugs for this is to get some mental separation between the things you do to feel better today, and the things you do to treat the problem medically for long term improvement. If you're relying on the drugs primarily to make you feel better today, this week, etc, then you're going to always have a hard time sticking with them because your symptoms will fluctuate... it's just part of the way dry eye works. So think of it as parallel paths: the things you do for eye comfort, and the treatments you're trying out that need several weeks or even some months before progress is seen (or felt, rather). Also listen to what you're doctor's saying about objective results with the drugs as time goes on. But don't take those schirmers too seriously... these things fluctuate. Better not to be told your Schirmer at all than to have one lousy result throw you emotionally.

                    Hang in there
                    Rebecca Petris
                    The Dry Eye Foundation


                    • #11
                      Faith, do you have either a good medical care provider or another DED sufferer that you are comfortable talking with? Those of us with DED can be left so alone and hopeless simply because no one else undesrstands, is experiencing (or believes?) our plight. Rebecca's comments are so true. It would be good to re-read her post a few times.

                      Twenty-six years for me, with a lot of bleak periods in there, but you will have days again when you are simply happy to be alive. Trust that, it is true. B


                      • #12
                        I know the redness is a side effect of the Restasis and I'm only on week two. To tell you the truth my eyes are MUCH more clear without these drops, but I do miss tears lol and I really want some tear production eventually. The doxy for sure is helping my lids, and the Lotemax helps to. I'm just praying that this redness from the Restasis subsides. I am not convinced that this is a good drug for me. Thank-you everyone who has responded to this thread! I don't know what I would do without it (probly assume I was alone in all this) The really weird part about all of this problem is only in my right eye (I mean my doc says I have Bleph in both eyes) but my left eye is never red and never bothers me...just that darn right one. I really am hating the Restasis right now.

