I'm laying here feeling very sad. I can hear my kids playing w their Christmas presents and I feel as though this is a dream. A nightmare I can't wake up from. Been dealing w dry eyes since the summer; been to so many doctors finally sticking w dr. latkany a NY dry eye specialist. I've seen him every 2weeks for already 4 visits. He keeps saying my dry eye situation is no where near as bad as most patients he has seen but empathizes w my discomfort. He said "I will get you better, you have to be patient and not focus in it so much" I'm naturally very anxious and I just want my life back :'( this has taken a toll on my mental health, my marriage and my quality of life. Last course of action was pataday drops and was told if they didnt work in 4-5 days to stop them. In light of the holiday being so close I went back to see dr latkanys colleague to try dissolving one week punctal plugs which helped for one day an I went back 3 days later to have the doc tell me they were already completely dissolved. I cry every single day and this could have been the culprit. He said noharm in trying again and put self dissolving ones that will supposedly last six weeks. And now I'm weary of even crying which is my only release. This came out of no where in August and the only thing I could think of is that I was a contact lense wearer for 27 years but so are so many people I know including my twin sister. This has been the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. I have to continue being a mom, working, acting like everything is ok and I feel like I'm the only one around me is that suffers from this. I feel sad for my children that they can't have a regular mommy. I should be up making Xmas breakfast and hosting and I can't
my heart is broken. I had an ok day yesterday because I pushed myself and took half a Zanax. I know sometimes these pills have side effect of drying but I need any help I could get w this anxiety. I feel that because of this I am failing my family. The dr said so go and get fitted correctly for daily contacts so I can wear them three times a week as bandage lenses I don't know for what if my corneas according to him look great compared to when he saw me first over a month ago. I want to trust him guys but I'm not sure he's really trying w me. I mean do any of these docs really try? After all they are not feeling what we feel and we r not their family member going through this. Do they really even know what this does to a persons life? I guess not. Iidon't know how he thinks a contact lense would help dont lenses pull water away from eyes? I just don't get it. All docs say my problem is not oils it could be allergy who knows anymore. I'm exhausted emotionally . He said if I don't feel better after contacts restasis is next and that takes six months to even work! I feel like he's given up on me
. I broke down w my hubby and he's out off words and doesn't know what to say or do to help me. None of my family does
