Well that’s good news about your LipiFlow results so far. Am glad that doctor pressed on your glands and sees some oil coming out now.
It would not hurt to go to the London Dry Eye Center for a second opinion, and let them know about your progress with LipiFlow. They might have recommendations for other things now or in the future that can help with the underlying cause or just give you more comfort. It does not mean you have to do those things yet, but always good to know more about your condition and potential treatments, especially since dry eyes is relatively new to you.
It would not hurt to go to the London Dry Eye Center for a second opinion, and let them know about your progress with LipiFlow. They might have recommendations for other things now or in the future that can help with the underlying cause or just give you more comfort. It does not mean you have to do those things yet, but always good to know more about your condition and potential treatments, especially since dry eyes is relatively new to you.