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Mental backslide

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  • Mental backslide

    Hi everyone,
    I know I post off and on about how I'm making some steps forward. But I've had a few bad days recently both eye-wise and emotionally speaking.

    I feel so lost, overwhelmed and unsure aobut what my future holds. I try to take it one day at time, but when I don't get much improvement or relief I just feel so desparate. I'm forgiving myself for choosing to do lasik -- but that only goes so far. Now what? I will be 9 months post-lasik very soon -- and I just fear that I'm going to be stuck where I am right now. I've exhausted a lot of options. My lasik OD keeps say it will get better, it will get better, it will, it will............but when will she stop saying that and realize it's not getting better?

    When will my other opthamologist tell me -- yup you're stuck with it? Sorry for the rant, I've heard all your support many times.......but geez I feel so sad, it's unbearable sometimes.

  • #2
    looks like you need words of hope...

    hello Iboogie, sorry that you feel down, that your not progressing in your battle against dry eye. don't worry, their is always a solution to every problem, we just need to find it. I am hoping to be able to cure my mgd/blepharitis, it sure isn't easy though, when doctors don't give much help, and can't really explain why we even have this horrible condition. but, I think you individually have a lot of potential, you could correct this condition, you could find the solution, the doctors don't have all the solutions, they still lack alot of knowledge, i mean alot. you might have tried almost all the treatments that they know of, but they don't know everything.

    best wishes,



    • #3
      Hang in there sister

      Just take it one day at a time!! Remember all of the progress you have made.

      Sorry I wasn't there for you on your hard day!!



      • #4

        Sorry this is happening to you. I think for some reason that 8 months to a year out after LASIK is the worst. At least it was for me. I so wanted all this trouble to be OVER -- and it just kept dragging on. I felt as if I had exhausted all my options, that my eyes were in limbo, that they would never get better. They did, but it took years. I'm sitting here writing you from a university -- I'm getting a master's degree at the tender age of 53. My eyes hardly hurt at all. I'm looking forward to a new career, hopefully as a patient advocate helping people negotiate through the maze we call a healthcare system. I never thought I'd be able to accomplish something like this with my horrible eyes. Keep in touch with folks and be very good to yourself during the bad days. Baths. Cocoa. Music. Whatever works to calm your mind and take it away from your troubles. It will get better. Good luck.


        • #5
          Thank you so much for this post -- I really appreciate hearing the encouraging news. I'm a pragmatic person -- and I can deal with quite a lot. But I've been so overwhelmed with the triple insult of lasik. Dry eyes, starbruts, terrible floaters. I don't have much hope for the starbursting or floaters, but I need to be able to hold out hope for something! So thank's inspiring!!!

