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Does anyone feel like I do?????

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  • Does anyone feel like I do?????

    Tell me, is it just me who feels depressed regarding there "dry" eyes? I am constantly stuck in the house due the weather and my eyes. If it's a real dry day (no humidity in the air) I stay home, if it's a windy day I stay home, if it's a really hot day I stay home (the hot heat air melts my eye gel). I feel like I am never comfortable when it comes to going out and doing stuff. My home is my refuge. Home gets boring though. Some days I just feel stuck. Honestly, I feel I am having a good day when the weather is rainy and cold. Does anyone else feel like this? Oh well, thanks for letting me whine!!!! Sorry.......

  • #2
    It's a rare day when I'm not depressed. My eyes are dry and red - the redness is what really keeps me from socializing more. Some days I just can't stand to look at myself - and I wonder how anyone else can stand to look at me, so I remain indoors, avoiding people. Oddly enough, there are days when I accept it more, and venture out, but these are far and few between.


    • #3
      feel like i do

      hi summer
      i'm afraid i have the same problem
      i've had dry eye for almost 25 years and it's had a tremendous affect on my quality of life. i wish i were a more update person who could just ignore it but i'm not
      hugs, betty

      Originally posted by summer View Post
      Tell me, is it just me who feels depressed regarding there "dry" eyes? I am constantly stuck in the house due the weather and my eyes. If it's a real dry day (no humidity in the air) I stay home, if it's a windy day I stay home, if it's a really hot day I stay home (the hot heat air melts my eye gel). I feel like I am never comfortable when it comes to going out and doing stuff. My home is my refuge. Home gets boring though. Some days I just feel stuck. Honestly, I feel I am having a good day when the weather is rainy and cold. Does anyone else feel like this? Oh well, thanks for letting me whine!!!! Sorry.......


      • #4
        I was very much like this for about three months after my eye surgery. I was having panic attacks in the morning, afraid to open my eye in fear of the pain. I thought I would never get past this. I started seeing a wonderful Christian counselor that has helped me tremendously as I was relying on my husband who has been unemployed since March to get the kids to school. I thank God that he was home during this period. I'm very thankful that my kids are young and have forced me to be on the go. Nothing was going to stop me from missing a soccer game, baseball game, or concert. I went to one soccer game and sat there with my eyes closed, but I was there.

        I just got home from a Red Wings party - they lost.
        Everyone there had red eyes. I fit right in!

        People know that I wear my glasses all the time. I just found a great pair of clear goggles at Meijers in the sporting goods section for $9.00. I'm aiming for comfort these days.

        Life is different that's for sure, but the rides not over yet. My eyes are better, but I doubt that they will ever be 100%. I'm not waiting around.

        If I had not started with the counselor, I may still have been lying in bed.
        My friend was very concerned that the brain would get "stuck" in a rut so to speak that I would not be able to get out of. I think she was right. I started small by just going for a walk around the block.

        The counselor has helped me arm myself to fight this mentally. Somedays it is still a such a struggle, but I'm not giving in.

        Praying for us all,


        • #5
          I am only going out when i can use my sunglasses. When it is a sunny day.
          I am sometimes not useing sunglasses on a sundays cause people will just think i have been partying untill late. ( But my eyes were never red when i had been out late before)
          I reall hope for this Anti vegf therapy now, so i can have my normal white eyes back.


          • #6
            another resounding YES to your question....

            I avoid social interaction of most kind (unless very casual and spontaneous) because of my wretched eyes...they rule my life and I resent it enormously.

            I wish I could get to a place where I am able to accept that things are as they are, but don't really know how to go about it - and the longer it goes on, the more depressed I become because my life has become so boring.

            it sucks, doesn't it?


            • #7
              I have never been able to accept things as they are although I do accept that `core inner strength' is a key skill that we all need to develop in order to survive.

              But doesn't it sap the joy out of life? What would give me joy? To be rid of this because I've had it such a long time.

              It is all so wearing and I find that my levels of discomfort now seem to be exceed my pain-coping resources.

              Sorry - I know I'm not helping.

              I agree Eva, it sucks.


              • #8
                Originally posted by irish eyes View Post
                I have never been able to accept things as they are although I do accept that `core inner strength' is a key skill that we all need to develop in order to survive.

                But doesn't it sap the joy out of life? What would give me joy? To be rid of this because I've had it such a long time.

                It is all so wearing and I find that my levels of discomfort now seem to be exceed my pain-coping resources.

                Sorry - I know I'm not helping.

                I agree Eva, it sucks.
                sorry you're obviously feeling the way I do just now...doesn't it want to make you commit murder when people say "just find something you enjoy doing, and DO it...take your mind of things"

                it makes me want to SCREAM!!! and makes me even more depressed than I was before....


                • #9
                  You've got it Eva - I'm not good company for anyone just now.

                  The things I would LOVE to be able to do are even open for negotiation.

                  I have to watch myself that I'm not rude to anyone. The other day I bumped into someone in the nearby park when I was walking my gorgeous little dog. This pompous chap is a `regular' and we can usually exchange a few words of small talk to pass the time of day. On the rare occasion that I wasn't wearing my shades, he passed comment:

                  `I see we are not wearing our dark glasses today so we must be OK. Am I right?'

                  I know it was an innocuous (even stupid) comment to make but I snapped at him. I regret doing it but I will be happy if he avoids me as a result.

                  He's very right wing so no doubt I now fall into some category of person that is now high on his `criticism list'.


                  • #10
                    Hi!Just to let you know I do exactly as you do.I usually am holed up in my house afraid to go out in the wind mostly.Although the sun and heat sometimes is uncomfortable.I don't know how long you have been dealing with this(I have meibomitis ) but the best thing I have done was find this forum.It sure does help to know others are coping when at times it is very hard to do.I was extremely depressed but now I am just trying to absorb as much info as I can and trying to deal with everyday routines-soaks,lid expessing,etc. I wish you Luck!!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Hello Sandra

                      I too have had this for a depressingly long time - my children cannot recall a time when I was `normal' in the sense that I could be carefree about life. Looking back, there were times when I was almost like an invalid if I could get no relief from the pain.

                      The internet wasn't around when my eyes became really problematic so I did my research (such as it was) from encylopaedias in the library! It has been part of my life's work ever since. In the pursuit of `cures' in the early days, I even went to a faith healer - can you believe that?

                      Between us all, we could compile a book. Or a series of them.


                      • #12
                        Yep, it's all very depressing. I always seem to be saying "I can't this or that because my eyes are bad today", but I realised I say it every day, and I don't think, even close family understand to be honest. I can't drive in the dark, because of the haze around lights, which makes it very difficult to see, therefore dangerous obviously!

                        I avoid make up, which I've got used to, but I do envy people with nice eye make up on, and I only wear it on special occasions, which ironically I avoid because of my eyes!!!

                        I have improved slightly since expressing the oil from the blocked glands, but it's not brilliant, and I sadden myself because I almost feel like I can't battle anymore, and will accept it as it is now, but I can't give up, and I cannot tell you how much this forum has helped - not only to know there are others suffering the same, but to find what works for others, and trying it, so it's been brilliant for me.


                        • #13
                          I know exactly how you all feel...being holed up in the house, unable to do normal things and be carefree because of the eye pain. And of course, no one gets it.

                          Irish eyes, I wish I could be more rude and snap at people. I've always been too nice and "sweet" all my life, that I don't even know how to snap at mean, insensitive people. I am practicing that though...haha

                          msienkiewicz- you really hit a good point there, that we need to do small things, like taking a walk. I can't tell you how much that's helped me.

                          I am so grateful for this forum and having "met" some DE folks out there, to know that I'm not alone.


                          • #14

                            You must remain a nice, sweet person! It's the rude people who should change.

                            I know exactly what you mean though; for years I was very passive when anyone made cruel remarks and I would retreat into myself. I was brought up to do my best to please others - even to the point of violating my own rights. It was seen as being `good' to step on oneself in order to make others feel happy or to avoid rejection. It was taking `Blessed are the meek' to extremes.

                            What has greatly improved my ability to `speak out' is largely down to the job I do. I work at a university and one of my responsibilities is with students with disabilities and I often have to `speak up' on their behalf.

                            Speaking up takes the skills of knowing the words to say and how to deal with negative reactions. As you say - no one gets it

                            On the other hand though, I find that more can be achieved by saying nothing at all - and then watching the faces of those who made the putdown. They can look so awkward and lost so I ask them if they're OK. (Because I'm a caring soul!!)

                            I hope your eyes are not bothering you too much today. The temperature here in the UK is quite cool - which is how I like it.

