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What role do emotions play in dry eye irritation

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  • What role do emotions play in dry eye irritation

    For a long time now, I have suspected that a certain amount of the irritation and inflammation I get from dry eye is brought on or exacerbated by my emotions - namely anxiety and depression.

    This last week or so I had a very clear example. I had been improving with treatment set by my doctor. Then I found out I had to have a biopsy of a suspicious area in my mammography and ultrasound. My eyes immediately started to act up. Sore, swollen, irritated, making mucous strings, really worse probably than they have ever been. Causing vision problems and headaches just when I needed to be able to go out and do things to distract myself. Or even just read or watch a movie.

    My biopsy is scheduled for this afternoon. Yesterday my doctor prescribed a very small dose of Ativan. A few hours after taking it the main thing I noticed was that my eyes were like 80% better. That has lasted through this morning (the only reason I can sit here at the computer for this length of time without my eyes going totally blurry and sore)

    I had been thinking that allergy must be causing the problems. But apparently I was causing it through the anxiety ~ this time anyway. We shall see in the future. I'm going to try to keep better track of what is going on in my head at the times of these bad eye attacks and try to see if there is a distinct correlation.

    Any long term use of tranquilizers would probably dry the eyes, as it does warn that it might dry the mouth. (Last night I did notice a little cotton mouth feeling)

    Anyone else out there have similar experiences with what's in their head influencing how their eyes feel? I'm not talking about just being more sensitive to the eye problems that already exist, I mean the emotions actually causing dryer, more inflamed and irritated eyes.

    Lynda (shakin in her booties)

  • #2
    Lynda -

    First off, my thoughts and good vibes are with you girl! These blips come up all the time on mammography and usually they are nothing. Please keep us posted.

    Crazy thing when I read your post about Ativan. I had to take an Ativan yesterday for a quick outpatient procedure and not only did I not feel the typical anxiety that I have developed on a day to day basis, but my eyes were great as well. So crazy. I know some things like cyclobenzaprines also have anti-inflammatory properties so don't know if this is the case or, I can be relaxed with great eyes? Sign me up for a lifetime supply of Ativan! Addiction, schmaddiction....



    • #3
      Thanks, Gretchen for your uplifting reply. I needed that.


      • #4
        I definately do think that anxiety has a part to play in how our eyes feel. My right eye has always been the troublemaker. Many times I've been sitting at my desk at work getting annoyed/irritatated/tense or worried.. or all 4 at one time (!) and my right eye will start sticking when I blink.

        I've also been prescribed ativan. I use it to sleep. I've occasionally taken it during the day when Ive been particularly tense (just 1/4 to 1/2 a pill though) but I'm sorry to say I can't tell that it relaxes me enough to make me forget my eyes.

        Magoo, I hope everything goes ok. You're in my thoughts.


        • #5
          Hi, thanks gretchen and yoganut. I'm home from the biopsy and it was a piece of cake. No pain. Now it's waiting for the results, until at least Monday.

          My eyes are still pretty good. I took half a .5mg Ativan this morning. I'm sensitive so try to take the lowest dose possible.

          It will be interesting how my eyes do when I don't have anxiety. Now that I'm aware, I'll be paying attention.


          • #6
            Hey Lynda,
            I'm glad there was no pain with your visit today. I've had many of those things (but they hurt ~ I'm also a big baby LOL). They were always benign ~ I think they do those just for precaution. I'm sure you'll be fine.

            About the anxiety thing... you may be on to something. You know how I said before my eye doc seemed more worried about the stress in my life instead of my eyes (it's why I went to find another eye doc). I got laid off (I'm not so young anymore and it's tougher to find a job factoring in age and the economy) and a few weeks later my left SmartPlug got infected and then it snowballed from there with my eyes. My eyes have gotten worse instead of better....
            I'm still out of work, my right eye always hurts like it's going to explode or something. And I think I agree with you on the anxiety thing....there very well could be something to that.


            • #7

              Hope all is well. Is it the season or what? I just returned home from a mammogram and ultrasound for what was a benign breast cyst.

              Ultrasound tech said 9 times out of 10 it is nothing. They just have to be so careful these days.

              I'm all for better living through medicating so let me know how your eyes do today...

              Best wishes,


              • #8
                Just checking in. My eyes are still better than they were during the highest anxiety period and B.M. (before medication ). Can't stand the way the Ativan makes me feel so I'm on my own now. Not feeling particularly anxious right now so have to wait and see how my eyes are when I do get anxious again (and I will, for sure, that's a given).

                I wonder if there is some way that anxiety can narrow the ducts. Tear and oil ducts. Just speculating.

                Melissa and Missie, hearing about all these benign reports really helps! Keeping my fingers crossed.



                • #9
                  I think...

                  emotions can play a huge role in dry eye symptoms particularly if you have ocular rosacea - just like they do in facial rosacea. My eyes are always more irritated when I'm stressed, upset or angry.


                  • #10
                    alison, I hadn't even thought about ocular rosacea. My face has been flushed, especially on the right side which is my worst eye. The doctor did mention that he was sure I have ocular rosacea. I see him on July 1 and will ask about treatment for that, if there is any.


                    • #11

                      Weird question related to mammogram and ultrasound yesterday...

                      Could this effect dry eye?
                      I am afraid to have medical testing because of the eyes - even dental work...
                      Does any of this effect the eyes?

                      Just wondering...


                      • #12
                        Hey Melissa,
                        I'm a registered DA (dental assistant), never worked for a dentist ~ long story.. ended up not liking it after all... and the pay is terrible Anyway my point (I get off track a lot) I do know for sure that if you have dental caries or gum disease depending on the extent ~ that it can cause heart problems.

                        So I'm thinking if it can heart problems ~ maybe eyes too...

                        I've also have heard (just hearsay) that stress attacks the weakest point in your body; so if the eyes are the weakest point that is why they get attacked more.
                        Just thinking~

                        Lynda ~ I hope you are doing well


                        • #13
                          Please do not ignore breast lumps or cysts because you are "afraid." 80% of lumps are benign, so the odds are with you. It is, however, very much in your interest to follow through on any suspicious "thing" following a mammogram. Sorry, this is OT, but I am one who did have the lump and it wasn't benign. Dry eye is not the worst thing we may have to face, but you have to keep taking life one day at a time and handle first things first. Lucy
                          Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                          The Dry Eye Queen


                          • #14

                            Firstly, good luck with everything.

                            My eyes definitely play up when I get stressed, and there's a definite link. I hadn't thought about the body attacking the weakest point when stressed- obvious I suppose, and interesting.

                            My eyes are very sleep dependent too. If I get tired, they instantly get worse, so I guess if I'm stressed, I don't sleep so well.

                            Lucy, very valid points (as always).



                            • #15
                              one of the lucky ones

                              Biopsy came back benign. I never had a lump that could be felt. Only seen on mammo and ultrasound and what could be seen they kept telling me was "highly suspicious". Well, I landed in that fortunate 80% negative. And I am most grateful. Thank you Lucy for your wise words.

                              I suppose it will take awhile to relax after being "all wound up" I sure hope that's it since my eyes are pretty bad today. No more "better living through chemistry" ... that turned me into a zombie. Sigh, why are there always these tradeoffs?

                              Today is a day that even though my eyes are bothering me ~nothing's bothering me

