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Today's tip: Different eyes, different drops

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  • Today's tip: Different eyes, different drops

    Do you have one eye that's worse than the other? Sometimes they need to be treated differently.

    My right eye has always been the worst. At times when my right eye will really "drink up" Dakrina and feel soothed/protected by it, the very same drop will make my left eye feel sticky or uncomfortable. But I don't like the "lopsided" feeling you get when putting a drop in just one eye. So I've taken to putting NutraTear (which has a lighter consistency) in my left and Dakrina in my right.

    I've recently started using drops again instead of saline rinses before showering (thanks Dotanne!) and this 2-drop combo is working well for me.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation

  • #2
    Its funny you say that - my right eye is generally my worst, it is the redder one too. When I first started with dry eye it was my left eye that was worse, with virtually no symptoms in my right at all - still can't figure it out.

    I do the same thing - tend to use a more viscous drop in the right eye and a lighter one in the left, however, there are times when nothing at all seems to relieve the right eye.


    • #3
      My right eye is worse than my left. I wonder if it goes with hand dominance? (I'm right handed, have a worse right eye). Ha Ha. Nothing helps the burning or light sensitivity. I do notice that some days my eyes thirst for Theratears, and other days they want GenTeal.
      Every day with DES is like a box of chocolates...You never know what you're going to get.


      • #4
        My eyes are different as well. I am right-handed, but my left is definitely the worst..sorry Kitty, I guess your theory is ruined! I have tried doing two drops in the left and only one in the right, but I guess that probably doesn't do much, does it! I may try the drop switch and see what happens. My eye doctor once told me that using different drops in each eye for a "trial period" may be a good way of determining which drop is better. However, I guess both your eyes would have to be exactly the same to start with to see any real results from that!


        • #5
          My right eye is definitely my worst. All of my problems and my Trigminal Neuralgia all effect my right eye the most. The left is rarely a problem. I am going to try the different drop solution - Dakrina in the left and Dwelle in the right. I can't believe that I hadn't thought of that before now. Thanks for the tip!


          • #6
            My eyes are different as well. I am right-handed, but my left is definitely the worst
            Me too, Shells!

            My right eye is definitely my worst. All of my problems and my Trigminal Neuralgia all effect my right eye the most.
            Change the word "right" to left for me, Gaye, and that's me, too.

            Just didn't want to be left out of the crowd. Personally, I've heard of more second eyes lasered being the worst one. That's my case. I do not know if they always do OD first. My OD was relatively smooth, but not OS. Do most of us have a goofey eye?
            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

            The Dry Eye Queen


            • #7
              My left eye was retreated once, and I've always thought that the smoothing I got from the retreatment improved the surface wetting.
              Rebecca Petris
              The Dry Eye Foundation


              • #8
                My left eye (the bad one) was the second one done too. What do you mean by "smooth"? I know that post-lasik patients that need to wear RGP's do so because their corneas are not smooth which causes them not to see well. I don't have any visual issues though, just the dry eye. Is it the topography that shows the smoothness of the cornea? I haven't had a topography since my lasik. Is that something I should ask for? Can it effect dry eye too?

