This is one of MANY new features in our latest software upgrade. Over the next days/weeks I'll be providing tips on others - which include a lot of new personal profile and social networking type things that I think could be very useful for those of you who want to connect with patients with similar conditions, such as RCE, rosacea, allergy, LASIK dry eye, eyelid surgery, etc.
I see some of you have already discovered TAGS! If you haven't, look right under this post - you'll see a "Tags" box with the word "helpdesk".
Tags are a way to mark a thread with specific keywords or keyphrases. This is extremely helpful in making searches more efficient, so that when you search on a given word, say, rosacea, you can get results that contain only truly relevant threads as opposed to EVERY post that ever even mentions the word - which can be far too cumbersome to sort through.
Tagging threads will also help your friendly moderator to file things more efficiently, when I'm moving them from the open forum into the topical archives to make it easier for users to scan by topic without term-specific searches.
How do I tag a thread?
To tag a new thread, just type one or more keywords into the small "Tags" box right below the box where you post your message.
To tag (or add tags to) an existing thread, such as when a thread veers from its original topic into some other areas, click on the "Edit tags" link below the threaad.
Anyone can tag threads. But for best results please, please try to spell things correctly.
I see some of you have already discovered TAGS! If you haven't, look right under this post - you'll see a "Tags" box with the word "helpdesk".
Tags are a way to mark a thread with specific keywords or keyphrases. This is extremely helpful in making searches more efficient, so that when you search on a given word, say, rosacea, you can get results that contain only truly relevant threads as opposed to EVERY post that ever even mentions the word - which can be far too cumbersome to sort through.
Tagging threads will also help your friendly moderator to file things more efficiently, when I'm moving them from the open forum into the topical archives to make it easier for users to scan by topic without term-specific searches.
How do I tag a thread?
To tag a new thread, just type one or more keywords into the small "Tags" box right below the box where you post your message.
To tag (or add tags to) an existing thread, such as when a thread veers from its original topic into some other areas, click on the "Edit tags" link below the threaad.
Anyone can tag threads. But for best results please, please try to spell things correctly.