I am so grateful to have found this website as I really thought I was the only person in the universe who had eyes that closed shut at night and spasm like jolts of pain that awaken me during sleep. Thanks to your website I now know have some treatments options I had not even thought of. The plugs, Restasis, eye gels and vitamin supplements have only slightly helped my problem. I think I will invest in night goggles and definately make myself a small size rice bag to take to bed with me. I will have to share this website with a co-worker who suffers from allergy type dry eye issues. I am new to this website and will consult it often from now on!! I cannot tell you how appreciative I am as my doctor has tried everything he could. I will let him know about my findings on your website. Thank you again as I have been researching my issues for months. This has been an "eye opening" experience
