We have finally got to the bottom of my burning eye and face pain. Having got nowhere with ophthalmology or dermatology over the last year, I finally saw a specialist in autonomic and neuro-vascular medicine, Professor Mathias at St Mary's Hospital, London, who confirmed that my face pain is related to widespread autonomic nervous system dysfunction, and the pain in the face are is probably related small fibre peripheral neuropathy.
The term for this is Erythromelalgia, which is usually pretty refractory to treatment, as I have found. So far, none of the recommended treatments have worked, full dose gabapentin had no effect, and even morphine has done nothing to improve the worsening pain, which is so bad now it feels like my face has been scalded with boiling water. I'm currently trying Lyrica; if this doesn't work the last resort will be to try anaesthetic nerve blocks.
The autonomic dysfunction is also causing more generalised circulation problems, resulting in a condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia, which means my pulse races when I stand up, and causes worsening dizziness the longer I am upright. Again the treatment is difficult, and mainly involves trying to dampen alpha adrenergic response, and controlling norepinephrine levels with SNRIs and other drugs. Other conditions to rule out with these symptoms are Mast Cell disorders, and adrenal/carcinoid tumours.
It seems that these conditions often first manifest as eye symptoms. If anyone is suffering from burning eye pain, refractory to the usual treatments, consider looking into neurological causes, particularly if you are suffering any signs of palpitations, dizziness or odd leg sensations.
I really don't know what the future holds, both my pain and neurovascular specialists were not optimistic about prognosis, especially as my condition is complicated by additional autoimmune dry eye/mouth sicca and myalgia which tends to made worse by drugs used to damp down sympathetic overactivity and constrict blood vessels. Similarly, drugs used for POTS that improve acetylchlorine messaging (which might help dry eye) like Mestinon cause vasodilation which worsens the erythromelalgia, so I am caught between a rock and hard place treatment wise.
The term for this is Erythromelalgia, which is usually pretty refractory to treatment, as I have found. So far, none of the recommended treatments have worked, full dose gabapentin had no effect, and even morphine has done nothing to improve the worsening pain, which is so bad now it feels like my face has been scalded with boiling water. I'm currently trying Lyrica; if this doesn't work the last resort will be to try anaesthetic nerve blocks.
The autonomic dysfunction is also causing more generalised circulation problems, resulting in a condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia, which means my pulse races when I stand up, and causes worsening dizziness the longer I am upright. Again the treatment is difficult, and mainly involves trying to dampen alpha adrenergic response, and controlling norepinephrine levels with SNRIs and other drugs. Other conditions to rule out with these symptoms are Mast Cell disorders, and adrenal/carcinoid tumours.
It seems that these conditions often first manifest as eye symptoms. If anyone is suffering from burning eye pain, refractory to the usual treatments, consider looking into neurological causes, particularly if you are suffering any signs of palpitations, dizziness or odd leg sensations.
I really don't know what the future holds, both my pain and neurovascular specialists were not optimistic about prognosis, especially as my condition is complicated by additional autoimmune dry eye/mouth sicca and myalgia which tends to made worse by drugs used to damp down sympathetic overactivity and constrict blood vessels. Similarly, drugs used for POTS that improve acetylchlorine messaging (which might help dry eye) like Mestinon cause vasodilation which worsens the erythromelalgia, so I am caught between a rock and hard place treatment wise.