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Boston Eye Pain Foundation

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  • Boston Eye Pain Foundation

    No, he's not seeing patients yet - but, here's his new foundation:


  • #2
    I was so excited to hear that Dr. Rosenthal was going to be starting this clinic - he is such a treasure, and it's wonderful that he'll be seeing patients again! (Hopefully soon!)


    • #3
      Originally posted by SAAG View Post
      I was so excited to hear that Dr. Rosenthal was going to be starting this clinic - he is such a treasure, and it's wonderful that he'll be seeing patients again! (Hopefully soon!)
      X2! I think it's really unique what he does..



      • #4
        OMG, I can't believe SOMEONE is taking us, neuropathic corneal pain sufferers, seriously!!!!!

        I've been battling against this desease for 5 years now, since my lasik. I've been through 7 eye doctors and diagnosis as different as post-lasik dry eye to Thygheson's ceratitis. Every drop, every goggle, every care (like washing my eyelids with baby shampoo) have been palliative, at best. And I never quite understood why my left eye hurt that much and my right eye (wich actually had more myopia than the left, thus received more laser) was just a little dry.

        When I realized that none of these treatments were working and my problem was just plain and simple umbearable PAIN, I went to a pain speciallist. He prescribed me amitriptyline, at my suggestion (I had already read some papers on neuropathic corneal pain), and it worked to some degree. This was the first medicine I really felt could do something for me, so I had that empirical diagnosis of corneal neuralgia.

        More recently, I found a doctor here in Brazil to make me a pair of scleral lenses. But I couldn't wear them for more that 2hrs or so before it became too unconfortable. He discussed my case with Dr. Rosenthal, wich recommended I had a confocal microscopy. I did, and for the first time in 5 years, I could actually see the difference between my "normal" right cornea and my sick left cornea. The images are strickling different. For the first time I have an exam proving what I have and a closed diagnosis. And even a whole site describing exactly what I've been through! This is amazing!

        So I finally got a prescription for manipulated anesthetic drops from my doctor, to put in the lenses. It's being manipulated and I really hope that will do the trick.

        For the first time in all these years I feel real hope that my condition will be treated correctly and, eventually, a definitive treatment will be developed.

        3 years ago (before the amitriptyline) I was about to take my life. And now I'm so, so, so glad I didn't. I will live to see my cure. I know that.

