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Burning Eyes- Would Eyelid Scrubs Help??

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  • Burning Eyes- Would Eyelid Scrubs Help??

    One symptom that stands out among the rest for me is burning eyes. I went for a rountine checkup at my allergy doctor a couple weeks ago and mentioned my problem with my eyes. She seemed to think I suffer partly from allergy conjunctivitis, not just dry eye. Unfortunately, the very first thing I was ever perscribed, four long years ago, was Patanol, and that did nothing for me but made my eyes feel drier. Would a combination of Patanol and Restasis possibly work, or should I just stay away from Patanol all together??

    I have heard some people mention eyelid scrubs or something along those lines that help them. I am wondering if this might help my eye allergy symptoms... if so, could anyone suggest some ways to go about doing this, what they recommend I use for washing out my eyelids, etc. I am up for anything....

  • #2
    try it for a few days and see how it works for you. it not only promotes hygiene but it also relieves the pain, if only temporarily.

    i had severe inflammation in my right eye that has subdued with lid therapy. my routine is lid scrubs and warm compresses twice daily and eye massages throughout the rest of the day.


    • #3
      try more drops

      Originally posted by homes
      try it for a few days and see how it works for you. it not only promotes hygiene but it also relieves the pain, if only temporarily.

      i had severe inflammation in my right eye that has subdued with lid therapy. my routine is lid scrubs and warm compresses twice daily and eye massages throughout the rest of the day.

      I would try instilling drops every hour, that is what helped me.


      • #4
        Homes, you said that the lid scrubs were a help for you, but how do you go about doing them? I'd never even heard of lid scrubs until I become a part of this website, and it is a completely new thing for me. What do I use and are there certain directions to go about doing this?


        • #5
          Originally posted by eme_hawaii
          One symptom that stands out among the rest for me is burning eyes. I went for a rountine checkup at my allergy doctor a couple weeks ago and mentioned my problem with my eyes. She seemed to think I suffer partly from allergy conjunctivitis, not just dry eye. Unfortunately, the very first thing I was ever perscribed, four long years ago, was Patanol, and that did nothing for me but made my eyes feel drier. Would a combination of Patanol and Restasis possibly work, or should I just stay away from Patanol all together??

          I have heard some people mention eyelid scrubs or something along those lines that help them. I am wondering if this might help my eye allergy symptoms... if so, could anyone suggest some ways to go about doing this, what they recommend I use for washing out my eyelids, etc. I am up for anything....
          Hi, I have had severe dry eye for 4 years and have tried so much stuff. I was advised to use Johnson's baby shampoo mixed with warm water in a small 3 oz bathroom cup and take cotton balls and dip into the mix and gently rub over eyelids and eyelash areas. I also was told to do warm compresses to each eye twice daily for 5 minutes each time. I do take 100 mg of doxycycline once each nite. I also use erythromycin ointment at night to prevent erosions on my cornea from the dry eye condition. I tried Restasis 3 times and could not tolerate the burning so then I was told to use refresh endura along with the Restasis (Restasis is just refresh endura with cyclosporin) That did nothing for me. I am currently being screened for a dry eye clinical trial which involves a product of Novartis that is the equivalent to Restasis without the burning. Not sure how it willl go but I am really excited about it. annie


          • #6
            burning eyes,lid scrubs.

            the process i use here in the uk is ;
            step 1;get a hot face cloth and place it over your eyes(not too hot ,run under tap,squeeze out) for 5 minutes,morning and have to keep replenishing the heat.
            step 2; massage with 1 finger ,starting just under your cheekbone,moving
            upwards,your lower eyelid,move from left to right as you go about 5 times.
            same with upper eyelid but downwards.
            step 3; boil the kettle ,let the water cool a little,but still hot,mix with no tears shampoo ,1 part shampoo to 5 parts water,take a cotton bud and clean your eyelids,different bud for each lid,to avoid cross infection.clean each lid for 15 to 20 seconds.
            it takes some time before any progress is reached but perservere.
            once you feel it is working go to once daily,mornings,and then maybe
            twice ,three times per week.
            a bit difficult to put into words but in my experience it does help after some weeks.
            good luck,juninho(graham)uk


            • #7
              I already do warm compresses- in fact, i have done them religiously for about five or six years. I want to try the wash using the baby shampoo, but i have some questions about massaging the eyes. Wouldn't it irritate my eyes more to be rubbing the eyelids above them? I guess I'm still in need of a little clarification...


              • #8
                I use the hot compress first which unblocks then loosens the oil clogging the lids,then massage under and above the lids in a circular and upward motion to unblock the lids ,then the cotton buds to clean the lids gently to clear
                any discharge,then wait a couple of minutes and put your artificial tears in.
                Its a chore but Im finding its helping.All of the doctors ive seen reccomend it and ive seen 6 in the past year as well as my optician,whom I trust.
                Best of luck.
                Last edited by juninho; 29-Jun-2005, 09:23.

