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Eye cream suggestions

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  • Eye cream suggestions

    I know there was a recent discussion regarding sunscreens that do or don't burn. I have a similar inquiry regarding under eye cream.

    Since being diagnosed with ocular rosacea, I haven't been using eye cream or face cream because everything seemed to be burning/irritating my eyes.

    I have recently started using Eucerin on my face, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions regarding an under eye cream that didn't burn or irritate.


  • #2
    moisturizer, safe for around eyes

    I read on the rosacea sight..jojoba oil..its nice and cheap too


    • #3
      Although sunscreen irritates my eyes, I haven't had trouble with my regular moisturizers. I use Cetaphil moisturizer without a problem. I also bought Vanicream Lite moisturizer (because I use the Vanicream sunscreen) and that's been OK for me, too.

      What I did in my search for a sunscreen was find a store that had a good selection and a great return policy (i.e., I could return something after trying it if it irritated my eyes). You might want to do that in your quest for a moisturizer so you can keep trying things until you find one that works. I paid more per sunscreen at that store, but ultimately spent less because I could return things that didn't work.


      • #4
        Thank you for the suggestions


        I did do a search on jojoba oil on the rosacea site and found that it received a lot of positive reviews, but then I found a cream that received even better reviews. It has jojoba oil and manuka honey... It is called "Hope's Relief Creme." I ordered some today.


        Great feedback about return policies. I will check around. It never even occured to me that you could return a lotion once opened.

        Thanks again!
        Last edited by Debk; 30-Apr-2010, 06:13. Reason: adding product name

