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Travel and Dry Eyes (Yes, You Can Even Go to Developing Countries and Survive!)

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  • #91
    Saag thank you for the info. I am just willing to try anything to get my MGD better. I was going great for about 7 months then boom back in July it started to slowly get worse. Then in the past month it has gotten really bad. I have been on and off lotemax since August. I do not think it helps actually. I think it dries my eyes out. My Dr gave ne a script for Alrex which I know is the same medicine but a lower concentration so maybe my eyes will like that better. If not the next step is Azasite. At this point I am willing to try anything. My eyes are drying out so bad even with sclera lenses (I have to use these for vison). Right now I am just using refresh plus over them every 1.5 hrs just to be able to wear them. This disease is so depressing. No one really understand it. I find my self crying a lot these days but I know this will get better (hopefully) it just takes time. Thank you for listening as well. I have started to cut out wheat and carbs and sugaer. I am also cutting back on gluten as much as I can so hopefully I will see improvements.


    • #92
      You'll be ok... just hang in there and wait this out.

      You'll get better at dealing with it. (and less crying means eyes that feel better... I know from experience - I literally had to train myself NOT to cry over this since it only made my eyes WORSE!)

      You'll get better at knowing how best to calm down your eyes when they flare up.


      You'll get better at figuring out what worsens it and how to minimize the impact of those things.


      • #93
        You are always so encouraging, really enjoy reading your posts.

        Can I ask how do manage to move on and not get too affected with the eyes?

        Since you have overflow all the time, have you thought of opening a string-size hole in the tear ducts to allow tears to flow in and thus no need to dab anymore?


        • #94
          No, will never do that as things stand now. Because while my eyes overflow much of the time, there are other times when I "use up" whatever tears I have and am dry... don't want to make those dry times worse. Plus, from past experience I know that if my puncta are not 100% sealed and there is even the tiniest gap, I feel much more uncomfortable overall.

          Last edited by SAAG; 10-Jan-2022, 21:19.


          • #95
            SAAG, great post from you ... indeed, is to be thankful that we can still see, can still spend time and take care of our loved ones, etc I still have lots to learn to focus on the things that bring me joy. When the eyes are uncomfortable for consistently few days, my positivity starts to fade off

            Do your eyes feel comfortable most of the time? as in whole day, they feel ok?
            Mine not consistent, there will be good and bad days within a week. Sometimes, they feel irritated and keep tearing, at times, they feel so comfortable. I still cannot find out what is causing the irritation / discomfort.

            I am not sure if haze is the cause of the problem so, trying to stay indoors as much as I can.

            Ask you something minor - since you are dabbing the whole day, do you change tissue paper each time you dab or tear it into smaller pieces or use different sides of the same paper? Reason for asking is to nail down what is causing the irritation on my eyes, wonder is it due to the way I handle my tissue paper.
            Last edited by tealeaf; 22-Oct-2015, 19:21.


            • #96

              re: comfort -depends - right now there's a tiny bit of smoke in the air here, so my eyes are dry (no blotting needed now!) - if the air is clear and humid, my eyes feel great.

              I'm sure the haze is affecting your eyes, so avoiding the outdoors when it's there is a good idea - smoke in the air is super irritating!
              Last edited by SAAG; 10-Jan-2022, 21:18.


              • #97
                Saag I tried to send you a message but it doesnt seem to work on the iphone

                Hi Saag,

                Ive been reading your posts for a long time now and wanted to contact you because I feel our symptoms are really similar.

                I tried to go off doxy while my eyes felt better (100mg x1) and after a month I had a sudden relapse. Apparently you had the same experience? How long did it take for your eyes to get better after taking it again? I'm so scared to go back to square one after 2 months free of horrible pain ...

                Sorry for my english I'm french


                • #98
                  No worries - your English is just fine

                  If I ever have a really, really, crazy bad relapse, I expect 2-4 weeks to recover and get back to normal. However, it's been a loooong time since that's happened.
                  These days, I'll sense things going downhill and know to back off and give me eyes a rest for a few days... that way, things bounce back within days, not weeks.

                  Odds are you won't go back to square one... the longer you deal with this, the better you get at avoiding that and stopping the downhill slide before it gets that bad. Hang in there - it'll be ok


                  • #99
                    Hi SAAG, I love your post about enjoying things like ice cream. How simple but true. I've had dry eyes for a long time now but this past summer it took a huge down turn and I have been suffering terribly. Almost quit my job - my social life has come to a halt and I am just trying to figure out what works for me. My insurance doesn't cover any of it because it's non-prescription since I can't tolerate preservatives. I am on Restasis so I hope this will also help a little.

                    I do many of what you say like "listen" to the TV if I can't watch, I close my eyes while on the computer (as much as possible of course) but it's so depressing. I need to find something for the night time. My eyes open during sleep but since I can't sleep on my back, only my sides, I can't use the goggles and tape doesn't hold.

                    Anyway, I just wanted to say, thanks for reminding us of the simple things and how important they are.


                    • Thanks so much!
                      Last edited by SAAG; 10-Jan-2022, 21:18.


                      • OH my gosh! Thank you for the smiles and laughs about the TV shows and audio books. You are a wealth of hope. I know many situations far worse than mine but I can't get past the jealousy when I see my friends, colleagues and how "perfect" their eyes are. Stupid I know, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this .. I will certainly keep this in mind and it will always make me laugh. Thank you.

                        I have heard about the saran wrap but didn't think it was actually feasible. It sounded strange but thank you because if I just use an eye mask, my eyes open underneath and it's actually worse. I will now try the saran wrap as well as the eye mask. Going shopping tonight!! I use Lacrilube at night and I used to gob it in my eyes too as you said but it never "stuck" and then I was told to only use 1/2cm worth or it will build up on my cornea so I do this 3-5 times a night. I know what you mean about the little tubes only lasting a couple days. I'm the exact same way and it's all out of pocket. My insurance doesn't cover this or my drops since they are OTC. It's a fortune! But the alternative of sore super dry eyes is not an option.

                        When I wake up, I do the same. I use my drops to flush out what I can and then when I shower I was the rest off. I still need to use drops every 30 minutes to an hour during the day though. That's what I'm finding tough. My friend came over last night and she had to leave early because I just couldn't last and going out is not an option right now. How do you last the day?

                        I've recently tried the HYLO eye drops and with this I can last 1 - 2 hours and on a really good day even 3!! Today is a bad day so I barely make the hour but I guess that's the way it is.

                        Thank you for the response! It's the first smile i have had in a long while.


                        • Originally posted by Ericska View Post
                          I know many situations far worse than mine but I can't get past the jealousy when I see my friends, colleagues and how "perfect" their eyes are. Stupid I know, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this ..
                          It's not stupid to do that, it's just being human. But, you can train yourself to stop. Just decide to never compare yourself to anyone who is better off than you (it gets easier with practice!)... comparing yourself to people who are better off is a one-way ticket to being bummed out/depressed etc. Instead, train yourself to only compare yourself to people (fictional or real) who are way worse off then you are - THAT makes it much easier to enjoy what's working in your life.

                          Originally posted by Ericska View Post

                          I was told to only use 1/2cm worth or it will build up on my cornea
                          Hmmm... that's interesting, I've never heard that. I'd love to hear from whoever said that why a thin layer will build up less than a thick layer... You'd think all that matters is the ointment molecules actually touching the cornea, and that doesn't change whether you have a thick or thin layer as long as you've spread it out well.
                          Last edited by SAAG; 10-Jan-2022, 21:17.


                          • Figured I'd add an observation...smog is definitely an issue in many places.

                            Last edited by SAAG; 10-Jan-2022, 21:16.


                            • Originally posted by SAAG View Post

                              Hmmm... that's interesting, I've never heard that. I'd love to hear from whoever said that why a thin layer will build up less than a thick layer... You'd think all that matters is the ointment molecules actually touching the cornea, and that doesn't change whether you have a thick or thin layer as long as you've spread it out well.
                              I don't think it's the thin or thick that matters, it's the ointment itself. HOwever, I won't stop using it because it's the only thing that helps me at night. It did start to burn my eyes so I started putting one regular drop in each eye and then apply the lacrilube. I'm actually going to try the Ocunox ointment that's within the Hylo family. I'm also going to try your suggestion of square pieces of saran wrap under my eye mask to hold my eyes shut.


                              • SAAG,
                                The haze has reduced quite a fair bit in Singapore and my eyes are less irritated.

                                Having said that, my eyes are not in a consistent state. At times, they are good for 2 whole weeks and then, they become worse again. I can't seem to figure out what is causing the problem and my routine has stayed the same. Do you experience such?

