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Saying Hi from Ft. Myers

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  • Saying Hi from Ft. Myers

    I'm down in Ft. Myers, FL on my vacation for a few days and as expected, my eyes have been great. They are basically white, instead of dry, red and irritated. The humidy is great on my eyes. I have been sleeping better, waking up easier and never have a dry feeling, and as a bonus there is no excess tears running off my cheek.

    It at least for a week, it's nice to feel normal. If I could find a job down in this area, I definately would move. I tried last year but it was a no go.

  • #2
    Hi Pete,
    I just got home from 3 weeks in Fla a few days ago. Enjoy yourself. Ft. Myers is a really lovely part of Fla, but we weren't down that far south. We had lots of sun, though and I enjoyed every minute of it.

    Are you staying with relatives/friends or in a hotel/resort? We did it the el cheapo way and stayed with relatives, but that allowed us to stay longer. Lucy
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen

