What tries have you done for a recovery? im sure most of you werent born with this condition. I was told i got dry eyes due to prolonged use of my laptop which had a lot of brightness (unfortunately). Anyways, i was told that a proper nutrition and abstaining from the computer for 3-5 months would able me to recover which I fully believe. The problem is that its not easy at all, i done two 2 months abstainance but no results. I havent done any shcrimer test but some healing have been done i guess? Two months can be a good amount of time. I cant get to 3-4 months . I have tried supps such as omega 3, lactoferrin and etc but to my diet i will drink milk and herbal tea which will help me a lot i think and some vit c.
What are all the things that you have tried? thinking about it, i did a lot.
What are all the things that you have tried? thinking about it, i did a lot.