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concerned about eyes in recently painted office

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  • concerned about eyes in recently painted office

    Need advice-
    I had lipiflow in October and I am doing really well. I have been meaning to write on my experience and will do soon.

    The office where I work was painted this past Sunday.The windows do not open, so the only ventilation is through the air conditioning. I worked on Wednesday for 4.5 hours and my eyes were pretty good but my sinuses were burning and remained uncomfortable for 24 hours. My eyes became drier the next day and have remained that way since. I don't know if I can blame the paint for that or just a typical fluctuation in the condition. However my eyes were feeling pretty good before. I understand fumes are present for up to 4 weeks after painting has occurred.

    I only worked that Wednesday in the office. I wrote my boss a letter detailing my condition and my concerns about being exposed to the paint fumes and she agreed to allow me to work remotely for the rest of the week. However I am scheduled to go in to the office Monday. Is it safe? Should I be concerned? I have made so much progress in the 2 years that I have suffered with this condition that I do not want to jeopardize anything.

    What would you do?

  • #2
    You might have allergies or sensitivities. I would avoid the office as much as possible until you are sure all of the volatile organic compounds have outgassed completely. Discuss this with your boss upfront and see if you can get them to agree that if you still can easily smell the paint, that you will continue to work from home.


    • #3
      Thank you for your input, NotADryEye!
      I came back to work on Monday and there was no obvious smell, but I wore my moisture chamber glasses all day and will continue to do so for the rest of the week as a precaution. My sinuses were fine on Monday which leads me to believe that I could be ok and that I was sensitive up to the first week post painting. I dislike wearing the MCs. I have Wiley X Airrage and the foam is annoying to me. I may even be sensitive to that too as my eyes feel better with them off but I can't take a chance in the office.
      I've had to explain myself as to why I'm wearing glasses inside but so be it.
      Thanks again!


      • #4
        Great to hear! Thanks for the update.

