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Jobs X 2

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  • Jobs X 2

    Since having to change my career path unfortunately because of DE I just started a secon job in addition to my main one. Seems dry eye friendly which is good. Also a source of more income which is also very good considering my DE expenses. Most importantly it continues to get me out of the house socializing with people.

    If life is a bowl of cherries, then why I am I stuck in the pits!

  • #2
    Way to go, Kim. Staying as active as you can is especially good. Less time to focus on your eyes. When you're young, you can usually take a second job for a length of time without undue hardship. It's when you're older and possiibly trying to juggle family and jobS that it become self-defeating.

    Good luck, may you enjoy the extra money, time away from home and find new friends. Be sure not to neglect your eye workups. Lucy
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      You are one dry eye superwoman!!!

