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Just had prokera done

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Phillips55 View Post
    Prokera and other amniotic membrane transplants are primarily for treating corneal damage, I wore contacts for years and my eyes certainly dried out faster by the time I had lasik. I have read that prolonged contact use affects the nerve endings in the corneas. It took about 2 weeks for me to notice any improvements in the right eye, the left eye was more immediate. If something else is causing the dryness like mgd or an autoimmune issue Prokera isn't going to fix it.
    I figured an amniotic membrane would help me since my dry eye symptoms went haywire after lasik. I felt great for about a week, then it came back. I can tell first thing when I wake up in the morning whether it's going to be a good/bad eye day. I like to think that time is on my side, but I am almost three years out (though studies say it can take five years for the nerves to regenerate).

    I'm not sure where to go next. I have a bottle of Avenova on the way so hopefully I will experience some relief, even if it's minor. I'm not going to throw large sums of money at Lipiflow and IPL since the vast majority of people here have had negligible results.

    At this point, I feel like I'm running out of money, time, and patience treating this disease.


    • #17
      Hi DryEyeNJ
      LipiFlow did help me open all glands - my oil was very thick. Now my oil is half thick, thanks to facial steamer/about 44C.
      Some people do not find them useful maybe wrong order or they have more issues to deal with etc.

      The dr did LipiFlow did not tell me (clear/correct) home regimens. If I followed, my glands for sure would be blocked again.
      I visited 12 doctors and only 2 have knowledge on MGD but still I need to keep learning, exploring new things and finding solutions by myself
      as doctors are not so sulution-driven. I would say I have solved about 75% problems.
      We need to be proactive otherwise will more glands will be gone.
      Last edited by MGD1701; 16-Jun-2017, 13:31.


      • #18
        Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
        Hi DryEyeNJ
        LipiFlow did help me open all glands - my oil was very thick. Now my oil is half thick, thanks to facial steamer/about 44C.
        Some people do not find them useful maybe wrong order or they have more issues to deal with.

        I visited 12 doctors and only 2 have good knowledge on MGD but still I need to keep learning, exploring new things and finding solutions by myself
        as doctors are not so sulution-driven nor give me treatment plans. I would say I have solved about 75% problems.
        We need to be proactive otherwise more glands will be gone.
        I saw the price of Lipiflow has gone down so it is becoming intriguing. What doesn't make sense is why would an insurance cover $2,500 for multiple amniotic membrane treatments and not cover Lipiflow? I can guarantee I'll rack up well over the cost of one Lipiflow treatment in 6 months of office visits. Even at $1,000, Lipiflow is an expensive gamble.

        Right now I'm sticking to the basics, compresses, lid hygiene, and Omega 3's. You are right about doing your own homework. It doesn't seem that too many OD's or MD's are that knowledgeable on the subject and we need to be our own advocates when it comes to finding relief.


        • #19
          Hi DryEyeNJ
          Just find out more/exact status of your glands and causes then decide if LipiFlow would help you.
          Sometimes seems probing first make sense. I asked one dr if probing, BlephEx, etc would help me. Yes, he said.
          But the dr who perofrms them said I do NOT need them - probably all glands are open?

          All doctors just tell me warm compress but HOW to achieve results is not easy and they dont tell me too - dont think they even know.
          If your glands are very clogged and oil are thick, dont think warm compress would help but lipiFlow as its heat can reach to inner lids.
          To make oil running is most important otherwise glands are likely gone.

