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Has anyone tried stem cell treatments?

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  • Has anyone tried stem cell treatments?

    Hi guys,

    I made a recenf post about PRP injections but I also wanted to know if anyone has been treated with stem cells?

    I was was hoping to ask Dr. Cremers to make me stem cell drops. This study implies the treatment could be promising.

    PRP and autologous serum are mainly beneficial because of the growth factors. Although I do believe they have some stem cells. The regenerative properties of concentrated stem cells seem more promising.

  • #2
    I think that they are much more expensive to make if I am not mistaken.


    • #3
      they are expensive but I have disposable income and would pay for it if it could be a lasting solution to this problem. Even if it just allowed me to work comfortably.


      • #4
        Hey shakenblake,
        have you tried it yet? I am very curious about it. I have severe problems myself and I am only 26 yrs old.



        • #5
          sorry for refreshing an old topic
          but I have an interesting update regarding stem cell treatments

          Currently there seem to be at least 2 big companies which offer stem cell treatments for a lot of diseases including eye diseases
          - Advancells in India
          - R3 stem cell treatments in Mexico

          pages of these companies

          an interesting article about recently invented/modified type of stem cell - intellicell
          - "intelligent" stem cells which are injected to bloodstream and somehow flow to the place of inflammation like eye surface to possibly regenerate it
          maybe these cells could be used to treat dry eye disease

          I tried to contact with these companies

          Advancells responded to me that stem cells don't play a role in treating dry eye and there are conventional treatments for dry eye disease.
          I tried to persuade them that many conventional therapies might be ineffective for treating dry eye disease, at least in my case. That we need new, more effective therapy like stem cells and I sent them several articles in which experimental stem cell therapies were used in cases of dry eye disease with rather good results, like here

          But I didn't receive any response since then

          R3 stem cell therapies didn't respond me yet

          You can try contacting these companies too. Maybe they will finally include dry eye disease in their treatment list if there is more people raising this topic with them
          Especially when someone of You lives close to Mexico or India then You can try visiting them in person and arrange some kind of therapy for dry eye disease​


          • #6
            There is need for great caution here. There are masses of illegal stem cell treatments that have no scientific basis and may be dangerous. We are currently experiencing problems from SCRI category drugs in the dry eye space where companies that appear to be completely unregulated are harvesting and packaging placenta and amniotic fluid products that have both safety concerns and no effort whatsoever to establish evidence of scientific benefit.

            Yes we need new more effective therapies but we need them to be developed by companies that will put in the effort to test them properly.
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #7
              I found some negative reviews about R3 stem cell treatments company
              but I'm cautious that maybe these reviews are fake news, so that someone would make profit from collapse of R3 stem cell treatment company? like competitors or bureaucrats?
              but perhaps it is reasonable and safe to assume that these negative reviews are correct and R3 stem cell treatments company is indeed quite fraudulent


              in these reviews it is written that in 2009 Arizona Medical Board revoked medical license from dr David Greene, the founder of R3 stem cell treatments for frauds associated with R3 stem cell treatments
              It is written there that is is suspicious that this R3 company states that it cures with unbelievably good results so many incurable diseases today like Alzheimer's disease, ALS, Diabetes, RA, Autism. how can stem cells cure neurologic diseases
              and it says that R3 is indeed unapproved by FDA, uses unlicensed products and harvests placentas like Rebecca Petris mentioned

              but we can still push doctors to make experiments with stem cells for dry eye disease like this injections of stem cells into and around lacrimal glands like this experiment described here
              perhaps someone could persuade this allegedly fraudulent R3 stem cell treatments or other doctors to do similar stem cells experiments and maybe therapies in the case of dry eye disease


              • #8
                but we can still push doctors to make experiments with stem cells for dry eye disease
                We have enough problems with the regenerative medicine industry walking past the FDA and pushing completely unstudied, unsafe things in unsafe ways. There still is such a thing as science and it takes time and resources to "experiment" without putting people at serious risk.
                Rebecca Petris
                The Dry Eye Foundation

