I just joined Dry Eye Talk - I am having severe dry eye problems (and dry mouth) due to Sjogren's. Was just diagnosed about 4 months ago. I have a pretty strong eye correction (-6.75 in one eye and -7.25) and have tried several swim goggles with -7.00 correction. The correction works ok but the googles pinch my nose so bad after a few hours I get sores. Who has found comfortable goggles and from what company? Thanks!!!!
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Finding comfortable goggles
Bunny, I have RX goggles in Panoptx. However, mine are post-op lasik and the script is highest at -4.3 in one eye. They do pose a problem with fishbowl effect. Do you wear bifocals? I also have progressive bifocals in my goggles. I have other glasses and contact lens and only wear the goggles when appropriate/needed. Your RX would be a problem because of the fishbowl effect. You could, however, talk to your optician/optometrist office about your options.
You've just been DX with Sjogrens, huh? Sorry to hear that, but it may be a relief to get a diagnosis. Did you have a lip biopsy? Were your blood tests conclusive for Sjogrens? Wishing you the best, Lucy.Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.
The Dry Eye Queen
Hi Lucy - I guess I should really call my diagnosis "tentative" at this point. The Rheumatologist that I went to did not want to do the lip biopsy because I had a really rough time over another surgery (staph infection) and said let's just treat this as Sjogren's since you have the dry eye/dry mouth issues. My primary care doctor did the SSA antibodies tets - I think they are called - and they were negative. I am going to get a second opinion from another doctor in 2 weeks.
I also went through menopause at the same time and there is some contention from my primary care physician that this may be related to that happening and overall stress/anxiety from some rough work situations over the last couple of years.....yikes, who knows at this point!!!!
Just to let you know that bloodwork doesn't have to be positive for you to have Sjogrens. My bloodwork is negative as is my Rheumatoid Arthritis. But my mouthbiopsy is positive along with all the usual symtoms of Sjogrens. My bloodwork and sed rate don't show RA but xrays, diagnostic bone scan and pain are all positive for RA. Sjogrens may take up to 7 years to show up in bloodwork. (or longer) I don't know if I'm allowed to do this or not, but there is a forum of people who have Sjogrens that is excellent. It's www.sjogrensworld.org. I've gotten lots of help with other problems from it.
Thanks for the site and your information! I am hoping the new Rheumatologist I am going to week after next will be more informative and pro-active. He is Dr. Richard Brassington who is head of Rheumatology at Washington University School of Rheumatology in St. Louis. I 'll let you know what he says.
On the goggles - I am trying a pair of Barz to see if they will seal around my narrow face. They do up to my perscription level but so far the first seals they sent were too loose. Just got a new pair to try today.
A blessed day to all!!!
some eyewear for working with computer?
I got punctual plugs (lower and upper), and Im using Restasis too.
My eyes are feeling better than before. But I still have red eyes very often, when Im in shopping center or using computer(I blink a lot and it fails to help).
I think it must be great if there's a product like "tranquileyes" for computer using. With the function it has,it just need to be transparent...better large enough to cover a pair of glasses, like diving glasses maybe.