I accidentally wore my clear-lens Wiley X's to pick up my son from school... forgot to put the sunglasses ones on... I can only imagine what the school secretary and principal were thinking when they saw me... blushing is fading now... man... I sooooo did not mean to do that!!!
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OMG... Talk about embarassing...
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I've done that too!!! OMG, I was so embarrased afterwards when I realized I had the clear lenses on... and thought back about how some people had giggled a little bit! I didn't catch it at the time... I'm so used to having huge moisture chambers on my face 24/7 that it never twigged that they weren't my sunglasses!
I'm so right there with you, SAAG.
Hi DCR... yes, I suppose one does get used to the staring... I find that even in my sunglasses Wiley X's, I get a few stares, especially when wearing them indoors. Not used to having anyone other than my hubby or kids see me in my clear lens ones though, so I was definitely out of my comfort zone once I realized what I'd done
Oh well, life goes on, right?
Hi SAAG - Yes I know what you mean. A few months ago I was at home on the computer wearing my onion goggles. I realized I had to be somewhere and jumped in my car and drove to a doctors appointment...and was wondering why everyone in the waiting room were looking at me for? Did I dress funny? Dohhhhh then I realized I still had my onion goggles on!! That's happened a few times now
Last month I was in a meeting for 4 days. They turned on the AC of the room (the wind from the AC was so strong that we had to put weights over the papers). There was no way for me being there without my clear lenses Wiley-X. And i put water inside the glasses, on the foam, with a dropper, in front of everybody. Of course the person besides me aksed me what the hell was that.
Some people in the meeting thought I was wearing that glasses just for fun, just to be stylish, cool, whatever.
I'm really a shy guy, so imagine how unbearable was the burning feeling and pain in my eyes...
P.S. I had a really bad day yesterday, and it is hard to keep day by day without a real and steady improvement. So sorry, but I'm a little depressed these daysLast edited by bakunin; 17-Oct-2012, 08:54.
4 days in a meeting, and having the air conditioning turned on during one of those days would be hell for anyone of us. I've been in similar situation, attending lectures and my Wiley X glasses stay glued to my face at all times.
I've never tried putting water on the foam of my Wiley X and would imagine it'd destroy the foam. I washed one of my onion goggles under water once and the foam crinkled up and ruined it.
Ongoing problems with dry eyes does tend to affect us emotionally. Relentless pain and depression go hand in hand so there's no need to say sorry bakunin, we all have been in that same spaceand totally understand.
I don't want to "one up" anyone... but I've even had my picture taken with my clear moisture chambers on. I nearly killed my uncle when I found out he secretly took my picture! I still tend to only wear my clear lenses around close family and friends (who I trust NOT to take my picture). Everywhere else, I wear my sunglass moisture chambers. I wish I could get more comfortable in public wearing my clear lenses. They help so much and would let me be less of a shut-in.
Originally posted by DCRdryeye View PostI've never tried putting water on the foam of my Wiley X and would imagine it'd destroy the foam. I washed one of my onion goggles under water once and the foam crinkled up and ruined it.
I thought putting water often could damage the foam either. I didn't do that when I was living in a very humid city, because probably it would get mold.
As I'm living now in a dry city now, it doesn't get mold, and as I'm doing that, I don't think anymore that it damages the foam. At least for the Wiley-X.
I think it is made to be used under the rain either (like bikers and soldires).
Anyway, the foam needs to be clean in water sometimes, like i read in some thread.
Of course, I was in that meeting wearing a clear lenses Wiley-X with fog (I would say I love fog in my Wiley)
Originally posted by sunshinelover View PostBakunin, have you found out what is the under lying cause of your problems? Do you have normal corneal sensitivity? Sjögrens? Hormons? It was low schirmer , right?
All I have til now, after 5 ophtalmologists, is knowing I have low Schirmer and low TBUT, and I don't have thyroid problem. I have read somewhere that some people with autoimmune diseases have only dry eye as a symptom. So I intend to do a test soon.
Don't know if I have normal corneal sensitivity. (I had Lasik 6 years before the onset of DES).
In Brazil there are only 3 machines that do Confocal Microscopy, and all three use to be broken. Ok, I know that it doesn't measure corneal sensitivity, but I would like do to all tests avaiable to know what is wrong with my eyes. I just don't have a "normal" dry eye, like some other people in my family. There is something different in my eyes, that make eyedrops totally ineffective.
For what I feel I don't expect that plugs would bring some significant relief. I just can't imagine how the plugs would made me free from the moisture chamber glasses. ACs are just unbearable for me. Ok, I had weeks in april an in may that I was much better ( I think it was Triphala Ghritta that made me imporve at that time).
Thanks all for the support!