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homemade nighttime tip

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  • homemade nighttime tip

    Hi readers -- wanted to share something I've been trying at night and so far it works pretty well. I make a "bandana" out of saran wrap to wear around my eyes at night to help keep my eyelids closed and keep moisture in. I tie a cloth bandana around the saran wrap to keep it in place. So far -- my eyes are far less painful in the mornings. Not perfect -- I still need to use drops when I wake up -- but my eyes recover very quickly which is a blessing. I also sleep with a fan in the bedroom window (not blowing directly on me), and a humidifier.

    I've done a lot of trial-and-error in the past few weeks -- and found adding the saran wrap gives the protection I need.

  • #2
    Am update if helpful to anyone: have tried Glad press-n-seal and that seems to work very well with keeping my eyelids closed at night! Even better than the "saran wrap bandana" because that works based on how tightly I tie it -- the press-n-seal I don't need to use that pressure. I still use a regular banadana on top of the Glad -- however again don't have to tie it so tightly either.


    • #3
      Happy to read this has proved helpful, Bubba- I am still really interested in finding out what kind of night-time gizmo Dr. Latkany is working on though-


      • #4
        Agree bunnyrabbit!!


        • #5
          Bubba - perhaps I'm using the glad press and seal incorrectly, however I'm finding that my lash line is affected after using it. How do you apply it? I cut two squares and "press" on each eye so it sticks. One time my right eye swelled up a little but lately my lash line feels like it's burning. I'm going to try without tonight and see what happens but I need something to hold my eyes closed.

          I'm just curious your method of using the press and seal.


          • #6
            Hi Ericska -- I actually no longer use the Glad press-n-seal. Although at one time it seemed to work better than the "saran wrap" bandana, after a while for some reason it just wasn't sealing enough enough my eyes. So I'm back to the "saran wrap" bandana underneath a fabric bandana. When I was using press-n-seal, I was cutting two small squares and pressing them tightly around each eye, then covering with a fabric bandana. I wasn't having any trouble with my lash line like you've experienced -- that doesn't sound good. Perhaps there is something in the chemicals of the press-n-seal that are irritating your lash areas. Try the "saran wrap" bandana -- I use a sheet of plain plastic wrap about 2.5 feet long. I fold it 3x length-wide to form a thin, long "bandana." I tie it around my eyes/head, and then on top to reinforce/hold I tie a fabric bandana. So far this has worked the best for me at night as far as keeping my eyes closed and moist and air out. Also the least expensive option.

