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Tranquileyes miracles for Lagophthalmos

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  • #16
    Originally posted by liz56
    Rebecca, how did it work when you tried the Tranquileyes cover without the pads in?
    Sorry to say I haven't done it yet! I will try tonight. Skipped this week's bulletin but I'll update on all those things on Monday.

    Another tip from a user in New York that I've been meaning to pass on. For those who tend to really need those pads saturated, lining the goggle & cushions with Saran wrap did the trick so that the moisture did not evaporate during the night. (That is, the sarah wrap goes under the moisture pads.)

    I have a question about changing out the long-term pads that go around the outside of the goggle. When it comes time to change the foam, I think I recall reading a tip about using rubbing alcohol to get off all of the extra glue, and I am wondering if the alcohol affects the surface of the goggle. That is, does it pit it, change it, or otherwise wear on it in a noticeable way?
    No, it doesn't. I find though that now I'm usually able to get any residue off by kind of rolling it up with my fingers. Then I might use rubbing alcohol just to make sure the surface is really clean before putting new pads on.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #17
      Originally posted by Rebecca Petris
      Sorry to say I haven't done it yet! I will try tonight. Skipped this week's bulletin but I'll update on all those things on Monday.

      Another tip from a user in New York that I've been meaning to pass on. For those who tend to really need those pads saturated, lining the goggle & cushions with Saran wrap did the trick so that the moisture did not evaporate during the night. (That is, the sarah wrap goes under the moisture pads.)
      Thanks, Rebecca. I may give the Saran wrap a try. I woke up at 2:30 a.m. last night, after four hours of sleep, and re-wetted the pads. I had a good night! For my situation, it seems that getting up every four hours is must, for now, anyway. That's good, because it's only once a night.

      Originally posted by Rebecca Petris
      No, it doesn't. I find though that now I'm usually able to get any residue off by kind of rolling it up with my fingers. Then I might use rubbing alcohol just to make sure the surface is really clean before putting new pads on.
      Great! Thanks.


      • #18

        I have tried the Tranquileyes, and I can't figure out how to sleep in them. Are you all back sleepers, or have you figured out a way to sleep on your side and not have the plastic dent your face?? Pillow configuration??


        • #19
          Hi, Elaine.

          I try to sleep on my back, but sometimes I cannot. So, in that case, I just put the back of my hand under my cheek to lift up my head a little at an angle that keeps the goggle from touching anything. Once I fall asleep, I have no idea what happens, but I have knocked the Tranquileyes off yet.

