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Should I Stop Using Tranquileyes?

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  • Should I Stop Using Tranquileyes?

    Short background first:

    I had PRK surgery a year ago. Started to have severe dry eye resulting in a dozen infections over the past six months. I've been traveling for those six months, and am sure that the pollution, dust, and all the other stuff in the air are not helping matters. I've seen a number of doctors, the last of which [in Calcutta] told me I had Blepharitis.

    I'm in Thailand right now, and had my parents bring me a pair of Tranquileyes when they arrived this morning. I wore them while napping for a few hours this afternoon and woke up with my eyes feeling more hydrated than usual, but also more red.

    On the insert that came with the product, it says to discontinue use if you experience redness in the eyes. I would hate to give up after just one try, especially considering that this was my last hope of comfort in a world of dry hotel rooms, dryer airplanes/trains, not to mention the wind, dust, and pollution.

    I'd like to finish the last three months of my trip, but am having serious doubts that I can pull it off given the condition of my eyes.

    P.S. I also had my folks bring a bottle of the eyelid scrub, which I will start using to treat the Blepharitis. I was previously using baby shampoo diluted in warm water, applied by q-tips, which didn't seem to help much. So maybe I should try the eyelid scrub for a few weeks and then start using the goggles once the eyes are cleaned up a bit?

  • #2
    One question,

    Are you using drops/gel before you put the goggles on? Also might try leaving the center pad out of them.



    • #3
      I think with Blepharitis, there's a possibility of bacterial buildup on the lids and lashes, so enclosing the eyes in the dark, moist environment of TranquiEyes goggles might exacerbate that problem. Not to say that your redness is an infection---just that the warning may be intended to alert you about that. I'll let Rebecca Petris here comment more on that...

      You can used the TranquilEyes without the moistened foam pads---that's the way I use them almost always. I put plenty of Genteal Gel in my eyes and the goggles prolong that effect as well as blocking out light and moving air.

      I'm not a medical expert, so it's hard to say why your eyes got more red. When you have any type of dry eye condition, your eyes make more "debris"--products of inflammation---which in themselves cause more inflammation. Inflammation causes redness.

      It sounds like your eyes felt better when using the TranquilEyes, and that's improvement. For me, how my eyes feel (level of pain and irritation) is more important than whether they look red or not. Although usually increased redness coincides with increased irritation.

      Sounds like you're on the right track---improving cleanliness with the eyelid foam---and also giving your eyes the attention and treatment they need. Hang on to the TranquilEyes---they're a Great Tool--but of course, not the only answer. You may find that you use them in different ways as your eye condition changes and improves.



      • #4
        Thank you both for the quick replies.

        I put some Dwelle drops in before using the goggles. I could leave the center pad out, but a big part of my problem seems to be my eyelids not fully closing when I sleep. I think the centers help to keep the eyes shut.

        Last night I went without the goggles, but the Dwelle [which I just started using as well] worked well and I have less dryness this morning. Still red, but that may take some time. I'll continue with the drops, warm compresses, and lid cleanser for at least a few weeks and then give the Tranquileyes another shot.


        • #5
          Now I'm starting to wonder if the redness is being caused by the lid cleansing. Has anybody else experienced redness in the entire eye [both eyes] as a result of using Ocusoft? I had some redness issues prior to this, but mostly in the inner corners and never the entire eyeball.

          Maybe the eyes are irritated by the scrubbing and/or the mild soap. Or all the muck is being loosened up and draining into the eyes.


          • #6
            I have tried lid cleansing products too and they do seem to make my eyes a little more irritated for some reason. I know a lot of people on here have had success with these products, but for me personally I just use warm water in the shower and gently massage my lids and this seems to work good for me. I think that lid care is very important for us people with eye conditions you just have to find out what works best for you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dave25 View Post
              I think that lid care is very important for us people with eye conditions you just have to find out what works best for you.
              That's exactly it. Our dry eyes are as unique as we are.
              Rebecca Petris
              The Dry Eye Foundation

