Hi everyone,
I have not posted here for a very long time, but promised myself that if I got to the bottom of my problem, I would come back and share in the hope of at least helping some of you. I had blepharitis for 3 years, but am now almost symptomless, and the symptoms I do have are fading fast. My condition was pretty bad, at one point I was being prescribed strong painkillers. After much research, I came to the conclusion that an overgrowth of the population of demodex mites around my eyes was the cause of my blepharitis. I had been seeing a professor over here in the UK for 2 years at this point, and had been taking antibiotics for 2 years. The professor was very sceptical, until I showed him a study that had been conducted in miami regarding killing these mites and curing blepharitis, and he realised that the study had been carried out by a respected friend of his. He started to use the treatment that his friend had used in this study, and in his words it 'changed his patients lives' including mine
While I appreciate that there are many different reasons for having dry eyes, blepharitis is a common one, so I hope that my post will help some of you at least. The treament I recieve invloves the cleaning of the eyelid margins with diluted tea tree oil. This MUST be carried out my a doctor, as tea tree oil is a serious eye irritant!! To find out more, google tea tree oil and demodex and you should come up with the article about a study conducted at the ocular surface centre in Miami. If you suspect that demodex could be your problem, take the study to your doctor, and ask whether he/she would carry out the treatment for you.
I have not posted here for a very long time, but promised myself that if I got to the bottom of my problem, I would come back and share in the hope of at least helping some of you. I had blepharitis for 3 years, but am now almost symptomless, and the symptoms I do have are fading fast. My condition was pretty bad, at one point I was being prescribed strong painkillers. After much research, I came to the conclusion that an overgrowth of the population of demodex mites around my eyes was the cause of my blepharitis. I had been seeing a professor over here in the UK for 2 years at this point, and had been taking antibiotics for 2 years. The professor was very sceptical, until I showed him a study that had been conducted in miami regarding killing these mites and curing blepharitis, and he realised that the study had been carried out by a respected friend of his. He started to use the treatment that his friend had used in this study, and in his words it 'changed his patients lives' including mine
