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I can only use baby shampoo, everything else is too much. It's good news, baby shampoo is .99 for a 3 oz bottle that lasts a couple months. Beat that Sterilid - 15 bucks a month.
I bought Sterilid thinking that it would be almost the same as Occusoft, boy was I wrong! Sterilid has some seriously active chemical ingredients going, cause that stuff tingles like crazy when I put it on my eyes. Very different from the mild soap feeling I get from occusoft. I'm going to try it for a few weeks to see how it works, but it does seem to get my eyelid margins really clean. The jury is still out on my Sterilid experience, but it is not for the faint of heart.
I use the sterilid foam. My doc told me to put it on in the shower and then let the shower water hit your eyes to wash it off. This unclogs the eyes more. I tried the pads and baby shampoo and it never kept my eyes clean. What is actually the best for me is cool water in between that I splash on my face. It may not be sterile but it cleans them and keeps them cool. I had bleph first and for months they said I did not have dry eyes just the symptoms but then it turned into full blown dry eye and now on restasis that is slower then a turtle to work.