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has anyone experienced relief with just lid scrubs?

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  • has anyone experienced relief with just lid scrubs?

    I ask because I've been trying the warm compresses/expression and lid scrub, its been about 10 days and i don't think the warm compresses and gland expression are doing anything.

    the only time my eyes were in decent shape and not itching was when my first opth prescribed topical bacitracin for about 1 month. Of course he didn't diag me and didn't tell me why to apply it.. but looking back I didn't have any symptoms for about 1-2 years, then in 07 after using contacts for an extended period of time, the whole dry eye thing kicked off.....

    this leads me to think I may have bacteria overload? the last opth I visited who had a terrible bedside manner told me no, when I asked him if I had any symptoms of ocular rosacea...

    anyone else experience relief with just topical bacitracin?

  • #2
    YN -

    Eyelid scrubs, warm compresses and massages are long-term strategies. They usually do not produce results overnight. I do not know what you diagnosis is, but can tell you what I have been told for my posterior blepharitis. I was told that warm compresses and massage help to loosen the solidified meibum in my glands that will enable healthier oil to flow, producing a more stable tear film. I should expect to see some temporary benefit initially, but will not see lasting improvement for 6 months to 1 year of doing to compresses and massage religiously.



    • #3
      Just me, but I have found that Sterilid scrub does help me. I've tried others, but for me at least, this one is by far the best. I can tell the difference.

      It's not a cure, but it is better.

      I also swear by FreshKote eye drops. Should have a T-shirt or bumpersticker made!

