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so frustrated with mgd-glands getting clogged up even w/ compresses

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  • so frustrated with mgd-glands getting clogged up even w/ compresses

    i take everything i can -high grade fish oil, doxy 200mg a day, dont eat wheat or grains..little to no gluten.i do the warm compress daily, restasis, steriod drops when needed (which i know isnt good for me but i cant function otherwise)

    anyway, i get my glands expressed by my doc every month but they clog up little by little within a week and get worse til i am dying to get to my next apt... i also started taking NAC a few weeks ago to see if it would help

    what else can we do? i am at my wits end..and i have sjogrens on top of this.. i prob put drops in my left eye every 5 min at times!!! help!!!!!

  • #2
    what u and everyone else needs is a potent antinflammatoy drop with no sides.
    have u looked into getting involved in trials with drugs that target inflammation?
    I think there was a drug that got shot down by the fda primecrolimus which is used topically for eczema.
    Maybe your doc might know if a compound pharmacy could make these up or if there are trials like with cf101 and kineret(the latter can get on prescription from reza dana)


    • #3
      also... when i do the warm compress is aggravates my ocular rosacea-esp my left eye-makes it hurt for hours... maybe i should try ice afterward?
      can anyone offer some advice or just understanding???
      i was so upset last night as i saw white spots on my lower left lid-where the glands are so clogged -i pushed so hard-it prob didnt even loosen it up but it sure hurt my skin!!!!


      • #4
        what kind of anti inflammatory???
        i am on plaquenil for my sjogrens.. i have never been offered any other type of anti inflammatory except restasis


        • #5

          I sent you a PM.

