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Dry Eye after shower?

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  • Dry Eye after shower?

    Hi all, I'm new.

    I developed dry eye a couple of years ago. This was around the same time as I moved into a new apartment and started a new job. Not sure if either of these is contributing to my issues. It has caused me much distress due to all the symptoms.

    I've seen an opthalmologist, internist, and allergist about this. The optho diagnosed me with dry eyes and suggested using Systane, which has no real effect on me. The allergist figured I have some ocular allergies. He prescribed Patanol since I do have other allergies and since my eyes were red when I saw him. That isn't having much of an effect, either.

    I've been recently trying to determine exactly when I get dry eyes. It seems that after the shower, it gets pretty bad. It flares up throughout the day as well. I am in front of a computer for 9 hours a day at work, every day.

    I didn't see any threads about the shower situation. Could it be the chlorine? Could it be my Dial Antibacterial Soap? H&S shampoo? I've used all these in the past with no problems.

    Any thoughts? My next approach is to try Genteal and some of the other drops sold on this web site.

  • #2
    Hello Hummus, and welcome to the DE talk!

    It might be the anti-bacterial soap. I used to have to use that all day at work, and developed eczema on my hands--I think the triclosan is very irritating. Chlorine, fragrances, and soapiness can upset the tear balance.

    Other than that, I'll just comment that for some people, a shower, with it's extra humidity, is soothing to dry eyes. I always get an extra accumulation of mucous strings in my eyes from showering, which I rinse out with PF saline solution.

    You might want to try eliminating soap (use a fragrance free gel), and use hypoallergenic shampoo (also fragrance-free). Get a bottle of saline for rinsing eyes (Unisol) or whatever is sold in your area. These can be found in the contact lens solutions department of drug stores. Be sure to get unpreserved saline (labeled for rinsing contacts).

    Sounds like your eyes are a little drier and more sensitive than they were before, so you have to be giving them more attention. Be aware that Patanol contains benzalkonium chloride as a preservative, which can cause negative side effects if used for long term (like 6 months---year or more).

    Keep searching the forum here and the Dry Eye Zone encyclopedia for more tips.



    • #3
      I have been through periods (not so much lately for whatever reason) when shower water irritated my eyes a lot. I think a few of our members wear swimming goggles in the shower to prevent water getting in.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        My eyes feel extra dry after a shower too. I believe it's from water splashing into them. It helps to put drops in right after.


        • #5
          I found it a good idea to put drops in before the shower - Dwelle or gel type drops.
          When the going gets tough - the tough get going!


          • #6
            I actually keep drops in my shower and put them in about halfway through. Water touching my eyes is awful.

            But--if you are worried about the products, take one weekend day and completely skip the products and see if it makes a difference.


            • #7
              I'm beginning to think shower water is making me worse as well, I don't think it's the products as have also used many skin/hair products for years with no issues but the water seems to start off the burning for the day, which is really annoying seeing as the shower is the perfect spot to do the morning lid scrub.
              just keep swimming...


              • #8
                I guess I'm one of the fortunate ones as taking a shower always makes my eyes feel incredibly better. I do avoid the water getting into my eyes at all costs though. I also do diluted baby shampoo, then the eyelid scrub, then right before I get out rinse with PF saline which feels heavenly! Hope things get better for you...


                • #9
                  Have any of you tried installing shower filters that reduce the chlorine in the water?

                  If so, have they been helpful?

                  Like Stanza, I'm thinking it's not really the products I use since I've been using them for years. A lot of my issues conspicuously started when I moved into my new apartment a couple of years ago.


                  • #10
                    Hello Hummus,

                    In my case, after a shower I feel much better! At least for half an hour.
                    Your history is quite similar to mine. I moved to germany in 2006, new job an apartment and after 4/5 months everything started. It is tough but one needs to fight against it.

                    I also was prescribed with Systane.



                    • #11
                      Sounds like good advice not to stick our eyes in the water maybe, am trying to be more cautious and see if it helps, but it's a shame, I like the sensation of drowning my eyes in water but not so much the burning after

                      Not thought about Chlorine, not sure there's much in the water where I am but there is a LOT of limescale....
                      just keep swimming...


                      • #12
                        Flouride in the water might be a problem too. I am on well water though and it bothers my eyes. No chemicals in my shower water at all. I think maybe the minerals in the water could be a problem.


                        • #13
                          Could be. I'm trying now with less time with the eyes under the water and think it's helping but will have to give it some weeks before I know for sure.
                          just keep swimming...


                          • #14
                            Do you use a blow dryer when you come out? I think the shower for me is good but I blow dry my hair and I think that irritates me. My opthamologist actually told me to the let the water hit my lids. Sometimes they are just too sore. I developed my bleph and dry eye after I moved from MI to Ca but now have been back to Mi for awhile and am still in horrible pain. I also developed seborrehic dermititis. I wonder if you have bene to a dermatologist?

