I started reading the forum and it`s excellent but it is also...how can I say....overwhelming, lot of messages, lot of ideas, lot of different problems...I don`t know where to start!
so I need some advice about my situation and I also have some doubts regarding my problem
3 years ago I had Accutane for acne. Shortly after my eyes started getting red and itching, etc. I thought that it would be for a few months but it turned out to be permanent.
What happened was that Accutane worked over the meibomian glands making them to produce less sebum than necessary.
I was recommended to take Omega 3 from krill. They turned to be really useful and improved my situation. Nevertheless they are not enough.
I don`t feel my eyes specially dry but thay itch and get red if the environment it`s favourable. I have a friend with dry eyes who says that he really feels the drying. My ophtalmologist told me that I produce tears enough but that the sebum production is little so the tears evaporate quickly. My eyes get really red when I wake up after sleeping. They also suffer in dry environments.
I was wondering what things could be useful in my case.
And I have 2 doubts:
- Are artificial tears useful in my case?
- Not enough sebum produced it`s different from having the meibomian glands clogged?
I started reading the forum and it`s excellent but it is also...how can I say....overwhelming, lot of messages, lot of ideas, lot of different problems...I don`t know where to start!
so I need some advice about my situation and I also have some doubts regarding my problem
3 years ago I had Accutane for acne. Shortly after my eyes started getting red and itching, etc. I thought that it would be for a few months but it turned out to be permanent.
What happened was that Accutane worked over the meibomian glands making them to produce less sebum than necessary.
I was recommended to take Omega 3 from krill. They turned to be really useful and improved my situation. Nevertheless they are not enough.
I don`t feel my eyes specially dry but thay itch and get red if the environment it`s favourable. I have a friend with dry eyes who says that he really feels the drying. My ophtalmologist told me that I produce tears enough but that the sebum production is little so the tears evaporate quickly. My eyes get really red when I wake up after sleeping. They also suffer in dry environments.
I was wondering what things could be useful in my case.
And I have 2 doubts:
- Are artificial tears useful in my case?
- Not enough sebum produced it`s different from having the meibomian glands clogged?