I am considering IPL therapy but I would totally appreciate hearing from others who have had IPL. If it doesn’t make a significant improvement I will avoid the expense. I have suffered from extremely severe dry eye since having LASIK 20 years ago. I still have some meibomian glands but the meibum is more like cement than olive oil.
I would really like to hear ideas that have helped others with MGD. Things that have helped me the most are plugs followed by cauterization, heat treatments at least two or three times per day, moisture goggles day and night, non-preserved eye products, and supplements (fish oil, biotin, vitamins A and E, zinc, aloe, etc.). I have tried autologous serum eye drops but they are expensive and involve a 5-hour round trip drive. Currently I prick my finger twice per day with a diabetic lancet and put the blood directly into my eye, and it works as well as the serum as far as I know. Eye wash with fresh urine helps a lot, but I can only do this two or three times a day or it causes irritation. Steroid drops are like magic, but I can only use them occasionally to prevent side effects. I welcome all ideas and advice!
I would really like to hear ideas that have helped others with MGD. Things that have helped me the most are plugs followed by cauterization, heat treatments at least two or three times per day, moisture goggles day and night, non-preserved eye products, and supplements (fish oil, biotin, vitamins A and E, zinc, aloe, etc.). I have tried autologous serum eye drops but they are expensive and involve a 5-hour round trip drive. Currently I prick my finger twice per day with a diabetic lancet and put the blood directly into my eye, and it works as well as the serum as far as I know. Eye wash with fresh urine helps a lot, but I can only do this two or three times a day or it causes irritation. Steroid drops are like magic, but I can only use them occasionally to prevent side effects. I welcome all ideas and advice!