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  • Glucosamine/Chondroitin

    Here we go again....

    My ophthalmologist and I were discussing the Hyaluronic Acid drops that I'm using. It turns out that there's another ingredient that ophthalmologists have been working with as a surgical "viscoelastic:" chondroitin sulfate.

    My doc just got back from a lecture yesterday where a world-renowned corneal surgeon told him that
    his patients using
    glucosamine/chondroitin tablets orally for other reasons had the best
    looking corneas and best looking lasik flaps he'd ever seen. Its
    anecdotal, but the meds are generally harmless. I take them!
    I looked in the cabinet and ... sure enough ... I have some. I've started taking it today. There seems to be some science behind the notion.

    (never realized that poor bunnies had dry eyes, too )

    Effects of various lubricants on corneal surface regularity in rabbits.

    Hirai S, Kawahara M, Sakamoto K, Kimura A, Nakamura M.

    Research and Development Center, Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Nara, Japan.

    The aim of this study was to establish a method for analysis of tear film stability and thereby to investigate the effects of lubricants on corneal surface regularity and corneal epithelial damage in anesthetized rabbits with the eye held open. Saline-instilled and noninstilled eyes manifested a time-dependent increase in the corneal surface regularity index (SRI). In contrast, 0.1% hyaluronic acid (HA) prevented the increase in the SRI for up to 20 min after instillation. Methylene blue uptake into the damaged cornea was significantly greater in eyes that received saline than in those treated with HA. Whereas eyes instilled with 0.5% methylcellulose (MC) or 0.35% sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) manifested an increase in the SRI similar to that apparent in those that received saline, 1.0% chondroitin sulfate (CS) prevented the increase in the SRI for up to 10 min after instillation. In conclusion, we have established a method for analysis of tear film stability in rabbits. Our results suggest that tear film stability is closely related to corneal surface damage and that topical instillation of 0.1% HA or 1.0% chondroitin sulfate warrants further investigation as a potential treatment for patients with dry eye.

  • #2
    Systane works similarly. We keep a bottle of it by the topographer for instillation whenever the eye is too dry to capture a useable topography. FYI, the SRI stands for Surface Regularity Index, developed by Stephen Klyce, Ph.D. for use by Tomey Corporation in their topographers.


    • #3
      Thanks, Doc.

      My regular arsenal, pre HA and castor oil, was Systane and Soothe.

      I'm still waiting for the dry eye game show ... probably on the Food Network ... called Iron Chef Eyedrop

      So many of these tests are drops vs. saline, or drop vs. other drop ... it's virtually impossible to gauge overall performance without making lots of assumptions. I'd love to see a well-designed study, segmenting drops into the relevant category (aqueous deficiency vs. evaporative dry eye, for example), then do a comparison across most or all of the available drops.

      I'll just wait right here then....


      • #4
        Neil, as an aside, I've taken Glucosamine and Chondroiten for years. Years, meaning maybe 10. Pre-anything lasik, dry eye etc. It ain't cuttin' it. But, I would NEVER advise one to use a substance they thought might help them. It's for bad knees. All my years of playing hockey. Just kidding.

        I wonder if Preparation H...................
        Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

        The Dry Eye Queen


        • #5
          I've been on Glucosamine Chondritin for a few years too (for my knees). I used to take one pill in the morning and one at night. I remember how I used to think how huge those pills were and could barely stand taking them. Since dry eye started I've ofcourse added flax oil, borage oil, fish oil, hydro eye etc. to the list and I just throw back about 6 at a time. I got sick of taking them one by one by one.......


          • #6
            Shelley-I've found I have to more often buy a more expensive product which can be mixed into a liquid. I just cannot swallow those honkers.
            Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

            The Dry Eye Queen


            • #7
              GLUCOSAMIN FORTE,Miracle??


              I am sabine, 39 years old, have a severe case of dry eyes caused by lasik.
              My eyes are both cauterized but left eye still very dry.(you can read my story somewhere els on the board)

              I have artritis in my knees and started to take glucosamin forte to help for the pain. The pain soon improved, together with something else.........
              guess my left eye doesn't heart anymore.
              I am shocked, because i am living with this pain since years..................
              I have just started the pills for a few days and I already searches on the net and red similar stories.

              Why didn't i know about this, why didn't my eye doctor tell me this?
              Has anyone the same experience?
              I know it is still to early to be sure, but i will keep in touch.


