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Cried real tears due to fish and flax oil!

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  • Cried real tears due to fish and flax oil!

    I heard a very tragic story this morning and actually shed a few real tears! I couldn't believe it.

    I'd noticed that my eyes had quit forming filaments since I changed from using some gel-cap eye supplements that contained fish oil, flax oil, etc., and started using the oral liquids so I was already very, very pleased but this was icing on the cake.

    I'm using Barleans Omega Swirl Flax Oil (Strawberry Banana) at the dose recommended on the bottle AND Omega Swirl Fish Oil (Mango Peach) at the daily recommended dosage for that. They taste great.

    I'm thinking they maybe are supposed to be thrown out after so many weeks (will have to check online), so I'm going to try switching to the combination product in the Omega Swirl product family since I can't use up 2 bottles in 6-8 weeks and the stuff isn't cheap. Also may experiment with lowering the dose to the recommended amount after awhile instead of doubling the Omegas by doing full doses of both types.

    I just had to share this info because it was posts on this site that convinced me to try the Omegas and a particular post mentioned these products tasting good. I'm so happy! I can't wait to tell the Opthalmologist. He'll be so relieved that I'm not fussing at him about the severe pain anymore. -Mary

  • #2
    congratulations! I love hearing stories of relief from the nutritional supplement approach rather than meds.


    • #3
      I have no idea if this is feasible or not but would it change the product substantially if you froze a portion of it? That might make it last longer than 6-8 weeks but I don't know enough about the product or it's freeze-ability.


      • #4
        I think I'd be afraid that would alter it too much in some way. I went back on the website and searched for info. The Q&A section had lots of info about all they do for freshness and stressed that they must be kept in the fridge, but no mention of freezing. It said to only use for 8 weeks after opening to ensure it's not lost any effectiveness. So, sounds like I could actually use it longer but it may or may not have the same effect after 8 weeks. I'l have to expirement to find the best solution to that dilemma.

        I'm noticing that I'm also not having to use my OASIS drops as often today as before. I hope this continues and isn't just related to humidity from the weather. We are getting rain today, so we'll see.


        • #5
          One of my physicians said that some people freeze fish oil capsules if they have problems with burping. My guess is that it probably wouldn't change the effectiveness (based on the capsules) but might change the texture / taste to something less palatable.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MaryVa61 View Post
            I went back on the website and searched for info.
            Suggest you email or call. Barleans is a relatively small, family-owned company in northern Washington (I went there for a tour a few years ago... wonderful place). They'd surely have an answer to this question about freezing. Good people.
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #7
              Hi, so glad to hear this, gives hope one question, why do you think that the capsules didn't work as well? I just recently began taking Omega mint fish capsules, they say that they can be taken whole or chewed. I've also started on evening primrose oil, as I heard that it helps DES, has anyone else heard about the primrose oil? I would love to cry a tear again, thanks for the encouragement.


              • #8
                PotatoCakes - Now that you mention it, the doc told me that too. I'd given up on fish oil for awhile because of fishy burping, then found tablets that didn't do that but they were very expensive and I couldn't tell that they did anything for me. There's no fishy taste or burping with this stuff I'm using now. Maybe I'll experiment with freezing the leftovers in the bottles after 8 weeks as a test, then if freezing affects it badly it won't be a loss and I'll know not to try that in future.

                If freezing does work, I think I'd put half in a small plastic container to freeze because I don't think it would be pleasant to actually use it in frozen form. It has a consistancy kind of like yogurt or a smoothie, not an oily liquid kind of texture.

                Rebecca - Thanks for the suggestion. I'll contact them.

                Mawsky - I'm not sure why, but the amount of the Omegas I'm getting from the liquid is definitely more than the amount I was getting in the gelcaps. They can only fit so much oil into those little caps. Also, the Barleans website's Q & A section said something like that the product is 9 times more effective than the same amount in a regular oil form because of the way they process it. I think it had something to do with changing molecule size. My memory is not great but it was something like that. I''ve also been taking twice the amount recommended on the bottle (by taking a full dose of flax oil and also a full dose of fish oil), because the recommended dose was based on the needs of a healthy-eyed person who is a lot smaller than me. I was taking the gel-caps according to the label amount and I don't know what weight person they based their recommendation on.



                • #9
                  Hi, thanks for the reply, I just posted a question about the oils so hope to get some more feed back from other and their experience too, on the omega mint caps they say two per day for general population, and four per day for those with heart issues, so I was taking three, I just bought the flax seed oil, and it also give the parameters of one two to three times per day, makes it kinda hard to know, don't want to take too much, but sure want to take enough to help.


                  • #10
                    I just had a thought. I'm gonna use my Restasis rebate to buy Flax oil!

