Noticed something new today that helped. I work outdoors and have a manual job, I've been taking a small bottle of juice and taking to work with me bland/convienece food (same crap everyday).
Last night i pushed the boat out, and went food shopping in an air-conditioned food store
it was really quiet so no stressing (supermarkets used to stress me out prior to dry-eye
(tell you the truth, i only went to find out what the hell my wife spends all that money on
) Anyhow; i picked up some 'proper food' that gets taste buds going* and after eating it today i felt so much better.
Re-the juice, i went through a litre and half
so maybe i was not taking enough fluids onboard? and when you feel better inside could this help physicaly i wonder?..
*In the event your struggling with preparing food, through a lack of intrest in everything(depression(ive been there!), ask someone to prep it for you ready for next day. And if it's the occasional junk/fast food(burgers maybe?) that perks you up? what you got to lose? get it down you.
Last night i pushed the boat out, and went food shopping in an air-conditioned food store

Re-the juice, i went through a litre and half

*In the event your struggling with preparing food, through a lack of intrest in everything(depression(ive been there!), ask someone to prep it for you ready for next day. And if it's the occasional junk/fast food(burgers maybe?) that perks you up? what you got to lose? get it down you.