In my quest to try and shed some light on reason for my dry-eye, it has now become clear that as soon as i eat; my symphtoms clear-up and go-away for a short while, or at least a huge improvement.
Has anyone else noticed this as well?.....
Ive been looking at the possibilities of Thyroid gland trouble as both an hypo(underactive) and hyperactive thyroid can/will cause dry-eyes,pressure in the eyes and Random bouts anxiety/depression is also a complaint (similair to bi-polar).
When i was discharged(taken out the loop) my Optahmaolagist was supposed to be writing to my G.P to arrange for a thyroid gland test. All ive had is the mandatory blood test, would the standard blood test pick-up Thyroid trouble i wonder? is it in depth enough? Is there a seperate more in-depth thyroid gland test to be had?. And would they only do this, if they picked something up on the initial blood test?.
Just wondering if anyone else has ever gone down this route, and there experience
Has anyone else noticed this as well?.....

Ive been looking at the possibilities of Thyroid gland trouble as both an hypo(underactive) and hyperactive thyroid can/will cause dry-eyes,pressure in the eyes and Random bouts anxiety/depression is also a complaint (similair to bi-polar).
When i was discharged(taken out the loop) my Optahmaolagist was supposed to be writing to my G.P to arrange for a thyroid gland test. All ive had is the mandatory blood test, would the standard blood test pick-up Thyroid trouble i wonder? is it in depth enough? Is there a seperate more in-depth thyroid gland test to be had?. And would they only do this, if they picked something up on the initial blood test?.
Just wondering if anyone else has ever gone down this route, and there experience
