Has anyone had any success using supplements such as ThereTears Nutrition or ThereLife? What about just straight Fish Oil and/or Flaxseed Oil?
I started having dry eye problems about 5 months ago. Since then I have put myself on a regime of all of the above. However, according to one eye doctor I might be getting too much Vit E so I need to cut some of it out. Trouble is, none of the doctors seem to know how much of any of the supplements might help!
If anyone has had success with any please let me know! How long did it take to notice improvement? Could you really tie it to the supplements or were there other possible reasons (Restasis, etc)?
I started having dry eye problems about 5 months ago. Since then I have put myself on a regime of all of the above. However, according to one eye doctor I might be getting too much Vit E so I need to cut some of it out. Trouble is, none of the doctors seem to know how much of any of the supplements might help!
If anyone has had success with any please let me know! How long did it take to notice improvement? Could you really tie it to the supplements or were there other possible reasons (Restasis, etc)?