I read an online article some years ago that was discouraging. It related, not to me, but to women who had recurring vaginal yeast infections and said that a diet to STARVE the yeast permanently had been impossible for anyone to stick to because IT said strict adherence to a diet that eliminated ALL simple and complex carbs for 6 mos needed to be followed. (Even root vegetables like carrots have sugar in them.) My dermatologist and eye doctor have been ZERO help re diet advice. Having read the above, I am encouraged that REDUCING carbs may indeed help. About age 56, in January, I got a very unusual scalp infection--don't know how. Was put on 3 weeks of doxyclycline & at end of treatment, I got pinprick all-over-scalp seborrhea. (The antibiotic had killed off good bacteria and allowed the yeast development.) Dermatologist put me on Nizoral 2% shampoo with 99 REFILLS. I managed okay until 18 mos. ago when I had a hysterectomy. Even with estrogen replacement, my scalp seborrhea became much worse and affected my EYES (where it is same thing but called bleph.) I have MGD also. I do warm compresses, massage, good drops, and have been on Zylet or Azasite all but 2 one-month med breaks. I've refused doxycline systemically because that caused the problem in the FIRST place! I'M VERY ENCOURAGED TO TRY TO EAT MUCH HEALTHIER AND INCLUDE A LOT MORE SALADS AND SPINACH! I also was diagnosed with drusen in both eyes at age 50 (I'm 62 now.) This macular degeneration has not progressed, but my father had it so that's genes, but I just read that diet, weight loss, and exercise seem to slow it down too. This bleph w/MGD is bad enough that I am more than willing to change my habits. IT'S GREAT TO FEEL THAT I DON'T HAVE TO LIMIT MYSELF TO JUST SPINACH! This thread has made me feel that major changes, but tolerable ones, could really help. I'll let you know in a 3-6 months if I notice a change. I've been taking high quality fish oil for several years & think that's good, but I can't say it's helped. Sure can't recommend that anyone have uterus removed if they have dry eye! Try anything else! I was way past menopause, but apparently at age 60 uterus still had a lot of good estrogen & other stuff that held this yeast at bay. It WASN'T good news to read that yeast can also survive on gluten and just on dry skin. I think the dandruff shampoos dry my scalp although the dermotologist said that my totally flaking scalp this winter wasn't dry skin(?). I think the dandruff shamppo suds DO help bleph as they flow over closed eyes. If you have seborrhea also or do this, rotate shampoos (Nizoral, T-gel (coal tar), Selsun blue (zinc.) I wish the docs had TOLD me to do this. I found out the hard way. Yeast become RESISTANT to one type shampoo; that's why you need to rotate! Great site! Good luck to all, and please post if you've experimented with diet changes
