The only thing that I can say for myself and all the problems that I have experienced is that I will make it a point to live an extremely healthy lifestyle in order to avoit any type of medication. The downside of medicine is that it may fix you up in a way and damage you in an other (I think that is the case with me and dry eyes!-antiandrogen therapies).
To add to that point, I live in the Republic of Panama in Central America and, sadly we are experiencing an health concern among elderly people that have been under medication for high blood preassure, diabetis, and kidney insuficiency. There have been deaths and the government officials are being lead to believe, after doing some research, that the cause may be the medications that these patients are taking

My conclusion, God has given us a body that is a valuable treasure and we have to take the best care of it. Health is a wonderful gift, we need to guard it with all our might because once it is gone, we sure miss it. So live healthy lifestyles to avoid artifical products, chemicals, and most all medication.
Blessings to all.