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Anyone tried accupuncture for dry eyes?

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  • #16
    Good topic! I just think do USA people know this thing...(I don't know the english of acupuncture before, haha ~_~)

    I am a hong kong people.
    I had 2 years having acupuncture and chinese medicine.

    I haven't back to a normal good eye people yet...but it helps a little bit. (long way to get 10mm tear test...but better than before)

    First I saw some webpage says some taiwan people cured by chinese herbs after few month, and I found some chinese article says some people cured this dry eye.
    May be some people are more lucky, or may be those 4/50's women getting dry eye would be more easy to heal coz it is a known problem.

    For acupuncture, I found that night after doing is better. Then return back.

    For herb, it may need a very long time to see the effect. If you got other illness, that may cure during treatment so you can notice that. (I got heart beating unusual before coz pressure where western thing helps nothing)
    Some change may only notice by chinese doctor, because you don't know that's a effect or that's from inside.

    Acupuncture usually done on whole body, not only eye. Because only western doctor think all it is "dry eye".
    I can't play computer game whole night with pouring eye drops, I must got inflammation next day(of coz I didn't done this n years), because dry eye is the "Eye's supply problem"

    For LASIK induced dry eye, I think the chance to cure is lower because you really damaged your eye............................................... .....................


    • #17
      Dry eye is a chronic long term disease. For long team things, it should need long term treatment.

      LASIK induced is an exception, so sorry to hear that it got problem for a should be normal person.
      Your eye should be healthy, herbs may not help, acupuncture can be try, and rest only take more rest for eye.

      Acupuncture may be effective on some illness, may be like shoulder pain, ect.
      Short term illness usually cured in short term.
      Eye disease is most difficult part in chinese medical.

      The knowlegde beside acupuncture is widely used outside china, include fighting skill of FBI of hitting important points in fightings. I had experience of notice the "special path" on the body. (I don't know how those chinese thing say in english =.=)

      Someone ask me to go to church to cure disease...I thing it is real things in head.

      Western medical really don't cure lots of disease...I don't visit doctor except urgent things. It usually only know to stop pain!!!
      Last edited by hkgcomet; 12-Dec-2008, 04:35.


      • #18
        Originally posted by autumnn View Post
        Hi Jenny- I did try accupuncture and ended up with a black eye because the woman hit a blood vessel. After that I couldnt tell if it helped because I was so annoyed by the black eye. I did however use a rinse/eyewash that had eyebright, goldenseal, and cayenne pepper and it seemed to make my eyes feel a little better. You'd think the cayenne pepper would hurt but it didnt.
        Some time needle would touch blood vessel causing bleeding for a while. I had 1 time got a black & little pain area on the arm. It would occur for sometime, it is normal and not really a big problem.

        Good chinese doctor is very important. Different doctor got different ways, and chinese herbs, acupuncture got thousands of ways. Western doctor usually got few method for a certain diseases so the role of western doctor affect less.

        I haven't try idea on that. Just dream if there is a godly herb and can wash away dry eye, ^.^


        • #19
          I had 6 or 7 sessions of acupuncture in the summer, the doctor was born and trained in China and seemed very knowledgeable, and treated me very "holistically" - ie for the liver, which is known to be an influence on the eyes, and the immune system.

          She was very honest and said sometimes it works and sometimes not, and after about 6 sessions I should know.

          It didn't work for me, sadly, but I wouldn't discourage anyone from trying it - apart from anything else it certainly reduced my stress levels.


          • #20
            Accupuncture can help

            I saw an accupuncturest 3 times a week for 4 months once. It did seem to help a little but the cost was so high that I had to either quit or find another way. The two points that helped the most were in the inside corner of the eye closest to the nose and near the punctal plugs. To save money I eventually started treating myself. It really wasn't that hard. Ultimately I concluded that it wasn't really solving my dry eye problem. Overall, I'd say save your money it doesn't seem to be the answer. I still use it on occasion to get some relief but for me it really didn't solve my problem. I now use a very natural approach which is dietary in nature. This has helped me much more. The website has info on diet, etc.


            • #21
              Accupuncture can help

              I saw an accupuncturest 3 times a week for 4 months once. It did seem to help a little but the cost was so high that I had to either quit or find another way. The two points that helped the most were in the inside corner of the eye closest to the nose and near the puncta. To save money I eventually started treating myself. It really wasn't that hard. Ultimately I concluded that it wasn't really solving my dry eye problem. Overall, I'd say save your money it doesn't seem to be the answer. I still use it on occasion to get some relief but for me it really didn't solve my problem. I now use a very natural approach which is dietary in nature. This has helped me much more. The website has info on diet, etc.


              • #22
                I know this website and couldn't find information on diet.

                I could have bought a book called:

                `How to Get Dramatic Natural Dry Eye Relief'.

                Is it your book?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Family man View Post
                  I saw an accupuncturest 3 times a week for 4 months once. It did seem to help a little but the cost was so high that I had to either quit or find another way. The two points that helped the most were in the inside corner of the eye closest to the nose and near the puncta. To save money I eventually started treating myself. It really wasn't that hard. Ultimately I concluded that it wasn't really solving my dry eye problem. Overall, I'd say save your money it doesn't seem to be the answer. I still use it on occasion to get some relief but for me it really didn't solve my problem. I now use a very natural approach which is dietary in nature. This has helped me much more. The website has info on diet, etc.
                  You can use finger to do point massage on some points would affect the eye.

                  It is very little compare to acupuncture, but better than nothing.
                  For a free and stronger thing than acupuncture - learn qi-gong
                  But it many spend a very long time...

                  Having enough nutrition is just another necessary thing.

