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is Magnesium safe for dry eye?

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  • is Magnesium safe for dry eye?

    Hi there,

    My massage therapist wants me to start taking Magnesium.. Of course I want to make sure before I go out and buy some --is it safe for dry eye to supplement with magnesium?

    thanks for all who answer!! i appreciate it!

  • #2
    I've taken magnesium off and on over the last 4-5 years, and haven't noticed any effect on my dry eyes. I've taken 2 different types--and for somewhat different reasons. One is just the standard supplement, either alone or as part of a Calcium +D (like Citracal Plus)--the magnesium helps the absorption of calcium (osteoporosis prevention and treatment), and counteracts the problem of constipation that goes along with taking higher amounts of calcium. You're supposed to take like one third the amount of mag as of cal to get maximum benefit from the cal (or something like that).

    The second type I took was 'Natural Calm'---this is an "anti-stress drink" (magnesium citrate powder that you mix with water). It's easily absorbed and comes in flavors---bland--you can vary the amount you take. I can't say that it actually made me feel more 'calm' or anything. I've stopped using that for awhile and just take the magnesium in the Citracal pills. You can get Natural Calm at Whole Foods--8 oz of powder for like $22---a jar lasts a long time, though.

    Why does your therapist want you to take mag? Any particular reason, or just general health benefits? Supposedly, none of us get enough mag naturally, and it does help all the bodily functions to have enough of it. Just be aware that if you 'over do' it, it makes your stools loose (sorry...).



    • #3
      I take mag. citrate in tablet form as something to help me stay relaxed. Can;t say I notice any change in my eyes or to stay relaxed, but I don't get major crazings around my period either. I've been told that the craving for cholcolate around this time has to do with a lack of mag.



      • #4
        My (mainstream, conservative, female) primary care physician has been adamant in the last few years that I -- in the gentlest of possible terms, a female "senior citizen"
        -- should be taking magnesium tablets to help to support my nerve functioning as well as my calcium uptake; in particular, expecting that they will facilitate keeping my aging bones strong.
        Precisely as calli66 just said in a previous post on this thread, something especially important for prevention of osteoporosis.

        Me, personally, I haven't noticed any change for better or for worse of my dry eye issues when taking "MagOx" daily --
        no endorsement or indictment here; it's just one non-prescription brand of a magnesium supplement.


        • #5
          Magnesium is one of the minerals that people, especially women, are usually deficient in. Women need it most to help with PMS. Also, in one of my supplements for dry eyes - "Biotears", magnesium is included, so perhaps it's beneficial to dry eys.


          • #6
            Magnesium and calcium

            I had to increase my calcium after after 45 and found that I had to take it with magnesium or I was "plugged up." Magnesium also helps with the absorption of Vitamin D and calcium, accordint to my doc. It has not affected my eyes for better or worse.


            • #7
              yep magnesium is safe...
              I sometime used it when I am anxious or passing through a stressful time. It is extremely efficient in reducing my stress and calming my nerves!!!! Its effects are almost instantaneous!...more at peace...

              however the reason I don't use it often is that, paradoxically, i notice more mucus being formed when I take it too often... I wonder why??... maybe my nerves are too relax and mucus forms more... curious little thing!!...
              If I have to choose between being happy and sad, I''ll choose being happy....... and you?... so.... stop choosing being unhappy (yeah its hard but....)....stop depressing........ live!!!

