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Apprilon™ (Oracea in the US) is now available in Canada

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  • Apprilon™ (Oracea in the US) is now available in Canada

    My GP told me today that Apprilon (Doxycycline Modified-Release Capsule, 40 mg) is now available in Canada. I don't know how much it costs, but I know that Oracea is more expensive than "regular ol'" doxycycline (100mg) or minocycline (50mg) in the US.

  • #2
    I am thinking about asking my doctor about this. Is this SUPOSE to be more effective than regular doxy or just somewhat safer?


    • #3
      I believe the point is that Apprilon/Oracea is just as effective as "regular doxy" without the increased risk of developing antibiotic resistance.

      I'm curious about cost. If you find out anything, please post.


      • #4
        I live in Canada too. I am going to ask my doctor about it if I can get an appointment next week! Thanks for the info. I'll let u know how much it costs if he lets me try it. Right now I use 100mg of doxy every second day.


        • #5
          Can't say I notice any help with Oracea for dry eye. It was originally prescribed to me for my acne.

          I do notice improvement from 50mg of plain doxy a day though.
          32/M ATD • Getting better every day!


          • #6
            My doctor prescribed this to me yesterday.. I think I have developed a resistance to regular doxy..

            Anyone have any success?

